in #neoxian6 months ago


Nigeria is one of the largest country in the world endowed with abundant natural resources and blessed with talented people in all areas of profession like music, artistic works, health works and so on. However, the economy of the country has been going through a tough time in recent days and our leaders are overlooking the pains and hardships the citizens have been passing through. What our leaders just do is to embezzle any available money on their way without even caring for the people under their rule.
In recent days, cases of bribery, corruption, raping, kidnapping, rituals, robbery and murder are growing abnormally and there seems to be no solution to these crimes because of the poor condition of the economy. Youths of nowadays are no longer interested or planning to get involved in any tangible work and work hard to earn money for a living instead, they are going into illegal areas like online fraud commonly known as yahoo yahoo in Nigeria and this has been bringing shame and disgrace to the nation as a whole. The rate of unemployment in this country is alarming and growing like wild fire and the government is ignoring all these problems and that has led to people indulging in all kinds of illegal acts which is not of any benefit to the people and on the long run putting them in trouble and punishments.
Corruption is a very common problem in Nigeria today whereby anything you want to achieve cannot be materialized without the use of money or other items of high value just to please whoever is in charge. For example, a student in the university bringing money or other valuable items to give a lecture inorder to pass a particular course or a girl sleeping with a university lecturer all in the name of getting a pass in the related course. If all those requirements listed above are not met by students,they will end up repeating that particular course over and over again which shouldn't be so. Honesty is now missing in our country. No one is willing to follow the right way anymore especially our leaders. They keep on falsifying and manipulatng things to feather their own nest. They do things that will bring advantage to them leaving others in bad state by making them suffering and dying. There must be a change in this country because things are getting out of hand which has to many havoc in the society and a shame to the country as a whole.
Something should be done by the government because things cannot continue in this manner. There must be a change to maintain and uplift the name of the country.