They say that dogs (and cats) are generally healthier than humans because they can easily detect and avoid eating heavily processed chemical-laden foods. 🤓😏
They say that dogs (and cats) are generally healthier than humans because they can easily detect and avoid eating heavily processed chemical-laden foods. 🤓😏
I actually bank on that instinct. My wife is always real wary. I'm not, probably to a fault.
Until I'm proven wrong which would be terrible and I'd rather not go there, I'm confident that instinctually she'll eat what's appropriate and shun what's harmful.
So far, so good.
Dogs would basically eat anything natural that's served to them by their owners (or food they find simply lying around that still qualifies as natural), even if they can't properly digest them (which would likely be harmful to them). 🤔🤓
Thanks for the reply! 😀 Have some !PIZZA and !WINE! 😁
Looks like we met just because I often reply to @theringmaster's comments, such as his comment under your post. 😅
Thanks for another reply (especially with the picture of your dog)! 😀 Have some !LOLZ! 😁
I know you are but what am I!
(Dang that's an old reference. Pee-Wee Herman line, what is that, like 30 years old now?? How old am I?! Wtf.. WHAT MONTH IS IT?)
It's July brother hahahaha and if I knew you date of birth I could tell how old hahahahahah !LOLZ
You did connect me to him, but only unintentionally as I was the one who replied to your comment under his post, and then he found my comment and replied to it. 🤗😅
That's pretty interesting facts... That's why they don't need as much medical care as we do 😂
However, since the ratio of veterinarians to medical doctors is low, a pet needing medical care would usually cost much more than a human would spend on healthcare. 🤔💸🤯😅