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RE: Birthday dinner at "Samira by Chele Gonzalez". / Geburtstagsessen im "Samira by Chele Gonzalez".

in #philippines6 months ago

Good to see you and your wonderful family. Looks like your daughter was tired after the eventful day :) At that age, they can sleep anywhere. I remember carrying my older on my shoulder in San Fransciso once, and she fell asleep as we were walking through the busy streets!


I experienced exactly the same maybe two years ago: daughter on my shoulders, still talking, but suddenly I heard some snoring and soon her head hung down. :)

It is funny how that goes, they are like rechargeable battries. Going-going-going....and then suddenly run out of juice :)

Don't know if you watched My Neighbor Totoro. The famous bus stop scene is a depiction of that.

Don't know if you watched My Neighbor Totoro.

Never so far, but I just read about it. Nice scene, overcoming their fear and helping the Totoro instead.