Little evening walk in Tagaytay. / Kleiner Abendspaziergang in Tagaytay.

in #philippineslast month


While I used to love roaming the forests in Germany, I also have the habit of taking extended evening walks through the countryside in my new home town of Tagaytay in the Philippines, and today I would like to share one of these little 'excursions' with you. :).


Während ich in Deutschland immer wieder gerne die dortigen Wälder durchstreifte, pflege ich auch in meiner neuen Heimtat, Tagaytay auf den Philippinen, die Angewohnheit, ausgedehnte Abendspaziergänge durch die ländliche Gegend zu absolvieren, und an einer dieser kleinen 'Exkursionen' lasse ich euch heute teilhaben. :)

It was still daylight when I set off.
Als ich loslief, war es noch hell.

However, I was soon able to admire the bright colors of the sunset. Schon bald jedoch konnte ich die leuchtenden Farben des Sonnenuntergangs bewundern.

This road leads to a village area.
Diese Straße führt zu einer dörflichen Gegend.

There are numerous sari-sari stores on the roadside. Am Straßenrand befinden sich zahlreiche Sari-sari-Läden.

These barbecue skewers tasted really delicious! :) Diese Barbecue-Spieße schmeckten so richtig lecker! :)

Back in the residential area, I sat down on a stone and watched the sky getting darker. Zurück im Wohngebiet setzte ich mich auf einen Stein und beobachtete den Himmel beim Dunklerwerden.


Great walk among nice environments! The sky is beautiful with wonderful clouds in the daytime, sunset time and nighttime. The colors of the sky at sunset are terrific. It looks peaceful and I think I can soothe fresh air through your photos.

The moon and Venus are attractive.....I love to admire them from here, too. Yeah! The smiling moon in the last photo can make me smile now....😊 Thanks so much for sharing. 👍

Very nice description of my post. Thank you @tangmo! :)

You're welcome! I'm very glad to know that you found my description interesting.... The description, in fact, was inspired from your excellent photos...... ;)

Auf dem Weg zu den Sari-Sari Läden, dies muss ich eingestehen, hätte ich mich weder von Wolkenformationen noch sich ergießende Farbtöpfe am Firmament ablenken lassen. Erst im Anschluss, nach der intensiven Inspektion dieser weitverzweigten philippinischen Gemischtwarenläden, hätte ich die günstige Gelegenheit ergriffen, um dem Himmel (wie du es so wunderbar formulierst) beim Dunkelwerden zuzuschauen.
Zudem befinde ich mich ab sofort in einer gedanklichen Zwickmühle. Träume ich nun von Zitronengras, Fleischspießen und leckerer Soße oder von himmlischen Kapriolen? Ich bin gespannt.😉

Träume ich nun von Zitronengras, Fleischspießen und leckerer Soße oder von himmlischen Kapriolen?

Jede dieser Optionen klingt in meinen Ohren durchaus akzeptabel. :-)

I love those photos of Nature! So calming, and seems like your enjoying the day, Please keep posting a beautiful view of Tagaytay!😍

Yes, the nature here is very beautiful and the weather is somewhat cooler than in other tropical places due to Tagaytay's altitude.

I love too be there. Maybe one day!

Big news, you moved to Philippines!! I haven't realized it earlier. Hope you are enjoying your new life over there!

Yes, since March 2024. So far life is good to us there. :)

Wow, almost a year ago! Good to know!! I just realized that during 2024, I barely visited Hive and didn’t even make a single post.

Hallo Liliana...yeah, I noticed that you haven't posted anything quite long time. How is life with you there?

Hey, hello!! I've been busy trying to push my PhD work forward. Meanwhile, it seems I've gotten absorbed by life (and work), and in my spare time, I've tried to stay away from screens. I hope you and your family are doing well and staying healthy! 😀

Wunderschöne Bilder, die die natürliche Schönheit deiner neuen Heimat perfekt einfangen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu diesem tollen Ort!

Danke! Ja, Tagaytay ist ein schöner Ort, mit fast immer angenehm warmen, aber der Höhenlage wegen nicht zu hohen Temperaturen. Hier lässt es sich insgesamt sehr gut leben bisher.

That's a nice walk in there with the pretty things on the way. Especially the beautiful sky, and the night sky. ✨

Yes, that sky of Tagaytay often looks quite impressive and amazing.

The place looks full of natural beauty. the moon with Venus, which we had seen here last week was very close to each other nice capture. the post and photos are amazing. :)

Thank you for your nice comment, my friend! :)

Sehr schöne Bilder und deutlich wärmer als in Deutschland, aber es scheint hier auch so langsam wärmer zu werden und möglicherweise sind die Temperaturen unter 0 für's Erste vorbei ...

... möglicherweise sind die Temperaturen unter 0 für's Erste vorbei ...

Viel Glück! :)

Ja die Höchsttemperaturen sollen in der nächsten Woche zwischen 4 und 7 Grad liegen, ich weiß nicht gerade Strandwetter.

What a lovely photography skills 😍 the vibe of the pictures are very calming and mesmerizing, tagaytay got some beautiful sunset and sunrise, perfect

Thank you for your very nice comment! :)

The photography was truly amazing. thanks for sharing this lovely nature photography.. have a nice day 😍

Nice to read that you enjoyed watching the pictures. Wish you a nice day as well! :)

@jaki01 thank you for sharing this beautiful skies of Tagaytay 😍 sunset was captivating. The smell of a smoky barbeque truly gives you a hungry sensation. Barbeque is so delicious either a chicken, pork or beef. It's a common viand of us here in my province during dinner time☺

Thanks for commenting! Yes, I like this barbecue meat a lot!

I like that thing of Philippines that have a lot of green everywhere... That shop looked like pretty chaotic tough

That's a small shop like plenty others exist in many different Asian countries :-D as well. It's chaotic, yes, but that's what you expect from lower middle class folks in developing countries who just try to earn for a living using the front terrace of their house that happen to be located directly on the street where people walk or driving by could make a short stop to buy some stuff and where the neighbours can buy simple groceries etc. in a small amount.
These are basically shops for those with little spending power and also belong to those with little working capital.
So basically every citizen have the opportunity to earn something if they want to work hard with a small capital cos the government wouldn't burden them with torturous bureucracy and tax filing obligation just yet until their business got bigger and reach a certain level of turn over.
One can complain about security measure, hygieny control, customer protection or whatever else we are accustomed with in the west, but there'S certainly a big advantage in this business model, which is the fact that even without safety net management provided by the government..basically there are more people who could survive better without begging the government to help them compared to those in the west at their same level of financial power.
And last but not least... I don't know about Philippine, but I can confirm that those small shops are the backbone of the economy in Indonesia, which had supported my country and helped us to survive the global economy crisis more than 2 decades ago (remember the crisis caused by Lehman Brothers).
That's because they don't take loan, no mortgage, not dependent of dollars or other foreign currencies. They're independent and growing slow but steady.

And here in the Philippine I'm also glad that we have these Sari-Sari shops nearby, because I don't have a car and our home is rather far from city center, so it would be a hassle for shopping if I'm only missing onions, carrots, garlic or something as trivial as which I need to cook my dinner.
Or sometimes the teacher gave a sudden assignment for my kid which is due the next day and I don't have the stuff needed to work on that,'s great that I can always try my luck at such shops, cos they normally do have what I need 😁.

Indeed it's good that people find a way to sustain without state help... My bigger concern would be buy raw meat or fish for hygienic reasons

The onion example is so speaking, if I need an onion I take the car (everyone has one) and in 5 minutes im at the supermarket, for you would be a problem

Well, and I save the money to buy and maintain the car, don't contribute to traffic jam and don't pollute the air with my non-existing car. Furthermore, I am accustomed walk quite a lot and thus doing something for my fitness and health.
If really needed I call a taxi or a tricycle. But starting a car for just buying an onion wouldn't come to my mind.

What do we learn from that? ... People are different, having different priorities and needs ...

Yeah but here to go to work you need a car, if you don't have one you simply don't work, public transport is non existent and if you would go by bike would take hours under rain or cold

So indeed every place as his own ways to go

That's why I don't work as well. :-)

(But of course there are people who work remote from home ... I hope to see their number increasing in future ...)

Indeed, the remote work is a good thing has been brought up, much less traffic and smog

Quite a calming hobby you have there...

The sights and pictures although simple are beautiful ✨

I live a lazy retirement life there as intended, lol.


Sari-sari store is the Pinoy version of 7-11 😀


very traditional, family oriented and God believers culture is Phillipines

Sari-sari store is the Pinoy version of 7-11 😀