WYDARZENIE. Creative Coding Tuesday

in #polish7 months ago

On Tuesday, 13 August, Creative Coding Tuesday will take place at the Kingdom (address still the same: Biskupia 18/1), during which we will create art with code. We will be introduced to the secrets of coding by Sebastian, a programmer and musician from Aruba.

We will be using p5.js, a friendly open source tool for learning to code and make art. Everyone is welcome to this event, even if you have never seen code before. If you just like art and have some curiosity in technology, this event is for you.

  • We will spend the first hour (6pm-7pm) covering the basics of p5.js with some very minimal concepts of coding.
  • In the second hour (7pm-8pm) we will learn some more fun parts of p5.js.
  • And the last 2 hours (8pm-10pm) we will spend making our own art practicing and using what we learned.

Feel free to come at whatever time you want depending on your experience. To get the most of the workshop, it would be best to bring your laptop so you can work on your own art. Any laptop can be used, even cheap old ones. We will be using a website to do the coding online, so we won't need to install or setup anything.