WYDARZENIE. Practical Philosophy Club: AI and humanity's future

in #polish4 months ago

W sobotę, 9 listopada, odbędzie się w Królestwie drugie spotkanie Klubu Filozofii Praktycznej, którego tematem będzie gorący temat sztucznej inteligencji i jej wpływu na ludzkość. Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godzinie 16:30, a dyskusja będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim. Wstęp, jak zawsze, jest wolny.

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On Saturday, November 9, the next meeting of the Practical Philosophy Club will again take place at the Kingdom (Biskupia St. 18/1). This time, we will discuss the heated topic of AI and its influence on humanity. The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., and the discussion will be held in English. Admission, as always, is free.

How has AI (artificial intelligence) changed your life so far? Do you think AI will make our world better or worse?

Should we control or limit the growth of AI, or should governments and people help it grow?

Some thinkers, like Harari, say that technology might divide people into groups like "useless" and "superhuman." How can we stop AI from making this happen?

What do you think about humans "improving" themselves with the help of AI? What are the good and bad things about humans and AI working together?

In a future with lots of AI and machines, some people wonder if old human values and stories will still be important. Do you think AI will change what it means to be human?