WYDARZENIE. Practical Philosophy Club: Power vs. Force

in #polish4 months ago

W sobotę, 16 listopada, w Królestwie odbędzie się kolejne spotkanie Practical Philosophy Clubu. Tym razem dyskutowany temat to: "Moc vs Siła". Spotkanie rozpocznie się o godzinie 16:30, a dyskusja będzie prowadzona w języku angielskim. Wstęp, jak zawsze, wolny.

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On Saturday, November 16, the next meeting of the Practical Philosophy Club will again take place at the Kingdom (Biskupia St. 18/1). This time, we will discuss Power vs. Force. The meeting will start at 4:30 p.m., and the discussion will be held in English. Admission, as always, is free.

How would you define power and force? What makes them different?

Is power good or bad? Is force good or bad?

When is it okay to use force? Let's agree on what "force" means to us in this context.

Is it ever acceptable to use manipulation (like gaslighting) to keep power?

How can leaders use power effectively without forcing people? What makes a leader powerful without needing to be forceful?

Are imbalances of power between people fair? Should we work to make power more equal, or are some power imbalances needed?

How do social movements reach their goals by using power or force?