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RE: Tale Contest. RESULTS [PL/ENG]

in #polishlast year

Canada, Lebanon, Nigeria - countries, theres no same-name nationalities?.. correct me if I am wrong. theres no such nation as 'Israeli' too.

as for the Mongolian tale, in my opinion here AI actually landed himself into a puddle :))) and confused Mongols with the nomadic peoples of the tundra areas.
I'm really biting my nails that I confused the Irishman and the Englishman - if I looked at the red hair and thought again, then...

all in all, it was a FUN game, and I wish more folks would jump on it. thanks for the pleasure!


Canada, Lebanon, Nigeria - countries, theres no same-name nationalities?.. correct me if I am wrong.

What do you mean?

theres no such nation as 'Israeli' too.

It depends on how we define a nation.

all in all, it was a FUN game

Thanks! :)

maybe it is some language barrier?.. emm... in my opinion fairy tales fall into the category of 'nations' rather than 'countries'. For example: Yoruba (and 400 other tribes) live in Nigeria (country), thus we can talk not about Nigerian fairy tales, but about the Yoruba tribe tales. And vice versa, there exist a lot of different countries with Arab population, but we do not talk about the tales of Egypt or Jordan, but about Arab tales. This is what I mean. Excuse me, if I sounded too much pedant :P

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