Its important to take notes.
11:11am I am writing this, eating chicken dinner style breakfast, and analysing the satements made by elected officials regarding the impending tariff war being used by politicians as an excuse to print more money into existence. Yesterday on the talk radio channel they were talking about UBI, which would guarentee an income for every Canadian. But at what cost?
12:11pm Streaming and finishing Brunch.
13:11pm Get my supplies together and prepare to go outside.
14:11pm Time to start my vehicle and make sure the heat works.
15:04pm checking the roads, slow down for construction along the way after a bend in the highway. Snowy 🌨 and ice conditions.
The speed limit is not the minimum but everyone drives this way, and recklessly push up on those attempting a reasonable speed of 110, before swerving with frustration and speeding past.
If the speed limit is the minimum, they should post a higher speed limit.
15:11pm I should be on my way to a different city by this time and still early.
16:11pm Zoom zoom
16:33 im going to buy some soup from my favourite mall kiosk. Sure enough anytime you stop at the mall you run into someone you know. That can be a good thing though!
17:11pm I must be safely in town again but once it starts to freeze more care is needed. Expected -9'C and 56% humidity, possible snow. Icey conditions, I already heard about an accident today.
18:11pm Zoom zoom
19:11pm Safely travelling, will let you know.
20:11pm I will update this as I go.
21:11pm Home safe or still on the journey?
Transactions: $15 Soup,
The day will go so quickly, lets slow it down a bit.