White Bean With Bacon Soup en/es

in #recipelast year (edited)

White Bean With Bacon Soup in en/es


This is one of the staple recipes that my wife Cheryl makes us now and then, it is extremely pleasant tasting and relatively cheap to make, and she also takes quite a bit and freezes it for later; it is really good on a cold wintery day as well! Also, when my wife makes her recipes, she only makes a bona fide "recipe" usually once unless it's a really good one. Most of her cooking is not measured, and can possibly be everything in the kitchen that needs to be used up hahahahaha!!!


  • Carrots: 2 medium-size
  • Onions: 1/2 large-size
  • Garlic: 3 medium-size cloves
  • Celery: 2 stalks
  • Red Bell Pepper: 1/4 cup
  • Jalapeño Pepper: 1/2 (needed to be used lol)
  • Tomato Paste: 1 heaping tablespoon
  • Chicken Broth: 4 cups
  • Bacon: 10 strips
  • Water: 3 cups
  • Beans - Great Northern White Beans - Dried: 1lb


Soak beans overnight;
Drain water;
Put the beans in a pot and add water, chicken broth, salt & pepper, a little bit of onion, and a little bit of celery (not all of either one);

Bring the beans to a boil, then turn down to simmer: image.png

Fry bacon to almost crispy: image.png

Drain on paper towels (leave approx 1 tablespoon of grease in pan for flavoring in the pan): image.png

Put celery, onions, garlic, and bell pepper in same pan that you fried the bacon in; and sautee long enough to soften up, do not add the carrots yet: image.png

Add what you just sauteed into the pot of beans, add tomato paste, and stir in;
Salt & pepper (remember bacon is salty): image.png

Let it simmer for about 1 1/2 to 2 or 2 1/2 hours to desired bean doneness:

Wait until the last 15 minutes and add the carrots (because you do not want mushy carrots!!!): image.png

Next stop: bowls, rolls, salads, and bon apetit!!!

All photos were taken with my Samsung S9 mobile and are MY property.


Esta es una de las recetas básicas que mi esposa Cheryl nos hace de vez en cuando, tiene un sabor extremadamente agradable y es relativamente barata de hacer, y también toma bastante y la congela para después; ¡También es muy bueno en un día frío de invierno! Además, cuando mi esposa hace sus recetas, solo hace una "receta" de buena fe, generalmente una vez, a menos que sea realmente buena, la mayor parte de su cocina no se mide y posiblemente puede ser todo en la cocina que necesita para ser utilizado jajajajaja!!!



  • zanahorias: 2 medianas
  • Cebollas: 1/2 tamaño grande
  • Ajo: 3 dientes medianos
  • Apio: 2 tallos
  • Pimiento rojo: 1/4 taza
  • Chile jalapeño: 1/2 (necesitaba ser usado jajaja)
  • Pasta de tomate: 1 cucharada colmada
  • Caldo de pollo: 4 tazas
  • Tocino: 10 tiras
  • Agua: 3 tazas
  • Frijoles - Gran Frijoles Blancos del Norte - Secos: 1lb

  • Proceso

    Remoje los frijoles durante la noche;
    Drenar el agua;
    Ponga los frijoles en una olla y agregue agua, caldo de pollo, sal y pimienta, un poco de cebolla y un poco de apio (no todo de ninguno de los dos)

    Lleve los frijoles a ebullición, luego vuelva a hervir a fuego lento: image.png

    Freír el tocino hasta que esté casi crujiente: image.png

    escurra sobre toallas de papel (deje aproximadamente 1 cucharada de grasa en la sartén para darle sabor): image.png

    ponga el apio, la cebolla, el ajo y el pimiento en la misma sartén en la que frió el tocino; y saltee el tiempo suficiente para que se ablanden, no agregue las zanahorias todavía: imagen.png

    Agregue lo que acaba de saltear en la olla de frijoles, agregue la pasta de tomate y revuelva;
    Sal y pimienta más (recuerda que el tocino es salado): image.png

    Deje que hierva a fuego lento durante aproximadamente 1 1/2 a 2 o 2 1/2 horas hasta que los frijoles estén tiernos:

    Espere hasta los últimos 15 minutos y agregue las zanahorias (¡porque no quiere zanahorias blandas!):

    ¡Próxima parada: bols, panecillos, ensalada y ¡buen provecho!

    Todas las fotos fueron tomadas con mi celular S9 y son de MI propiedad.
    Se utilizó Google Translate para ayudar con la traducción al español.

    Gif created by @liberty-minded and modified by @jimramones

    awesome gif created by @zord189

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    The source of this image has asked not to be nominated for any kind of recognition of fame and furtune (hint: meow!) hahahaha

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    jr - 1/21/2024


    Hey, Jamee! The tip about adding carrots towards the end to prevent them from becoming mushy is a great cooking hack! The step-by-step instructions, accompanied by photos taken make the cooking process easy to follow and understand.

    Thanks for sharing.

    Thank you @zeegirl, and of all the commenters, I have yet to hear of anyone actually making it and saying anything about it. I hope some have made it and were really pleased with it!
    Thank you for checking it out and commenting, it's also a cool way to get a little coin on an older post hahahahahahaha!!!

    James.... this recipe looks DIVINE. and i'm finally getting to it hahahaha

    and i'm coming at the WRONG time - because i'm on day 16 of a 40 day fast! hahahahaha

    i've only had fruit/veggie juice, water, and tea - for the past 16 days hahahahaha

    so bean soup is normally delicious. add bacon - and its EXTRA delicious.


    remember i said i was going to leave a tip for you? hehehe
    well - i am now! hehe

    that looks very yummy never give give up try your best and you will make the world a better place

    You are correct on both counts CG!
    It is extremely yummy, and never give up!

    hehehe there you go 15 hive tip - and 500 ecency point tip hehehe

    and.... i bookmarked this for when I can eat it - hopefully end of March hahaha

    So, you're on day 16 of a 40 day fast??? How much weight you going to lose???
    I'll bet it's more than you punching everything in sight in that VR headset you have hahahahahahaha!!!
    Now I don't want to post ANY of her food until you get off this fast hahahaha!!!
    That is good that you are doing that fast like that, it will reset your entire system I believe, and that is an extremely good thing. I'm hiding in the woodwork rooting for you Young Lady!!!
    Oh, and thank you for the tips!!!

    hehehe today has just dawned on day 17!!!

    I'm sure I'm going to lose more weight but I'm trying for the reset as you mentioned...

    I would like to give my body a really long time to rest and repair

    the 20 days in the past was good but not sure if it was long enough to get deep into where I need to get.

    I've been adding some new protocols also that are helping... I really felt it working yesterday!!! kind of amazing..I'll send it to dm for you

    just for your own info hehehe

    oh and also .. I'm about to take a blood test for sensitivity to like . 200 foods hahaha. so I know when I come off this ..I only put IN what will help me! can't do all this work of flushing it all from my system and then just jump back into adding it in hahaha

    I love ya Jamesy!!! youre welcome for the tips! hehehe

    and no no.... feel free to post more recipes hehehe I will bookmark any of them that I need to try!!!! lolol

    it will give me some nice things to look forward to after! lol

    As far as resetting the system: the thing I have heard the most of is to cut back or cut out the processed foods, my own opinion is that they may be talking of both sugars and chemicals, which are almost completely unavoidable since they spray aluminum nanoparticles among other things in the open air ceaselessly, which covers everything in existence, including water supplies and crops.
    If I can get Cheryl to let me make more posts (I'd love to) I will, but she doesn't seem interested too much, no matter what I tell her.
    Oh well hahahahahaha!!! Not much I can do about it.

    hahahahaa well just tell her she doesn't need to post for the world. just for Dreemie :)

    I cannot wait to try this soup.

    day 21 of 40... going strong!

    no solid food or ANYTHING but vegetable juice or fruit juice or tea - in 21 days hehehe

    i did a full beautiful detox session yesterday too. and gonna do it again today. feeling so good - but also looking SO forward to yummy foods again

    but today i get a blood test coming in that will allow me to know EXACTLY what foods are no bueno for me hehehe

    I wanted a full blood test for all chemicals and my doctor won't do it (mainstream doc, sold out)
    And you sound like you're holding up extremely well!!!
    Thank God and Lord Jesus!!!

    you can buy your own straight from Quest!!!

    i bought my own food sensitivity test from Everlywell...
    i do the own collection and send it back!!

    but quest - you can simply bypass your insurance - and pay for the tests yourself. just go to a lab nearby - and the appointment is so fast.

    just like when your doctor orders - but now you are the one ordering

    bypass the doctor too - and the results come right to your account!!!

    easy!!! i love it!

    Definitely checking that out, thank you Dreemie!!!

    Sign me up for a soup recipe with a good balance of healthy ingredients that doesnt look difficult to prepare! Your wife's homemade White Bean with Bacon soup looks hearty and delicious. It made me think of the saying "soups are good for your soul" @jamerussell

    Have a good weekend! !PIZZA

    Hahahahaha, I think that the saying is a copyright from Campbell Soup Co or something like that hahahaha! I'm trying to get her to make something else that we can work together and make another blog, but so far it's nil, lol!

    Yami yami😋

    I invite you to view my post that I shared today and share it if you liked it.

    I have never heard about soup with beans like I think it’s a great idea to add beans it must make the taste even better! I would love to try this recipe thanks for this delicious recipe.

    If you like both beans and bacon, Haya, you will like this recipe; and as I pointed out to a friend, it doesn't necessarily have to be made with bacon because he could not eat pork.
    Then it's a simple matter of putting in it what you want to put in there, my wife puts things (like the jalepeño because it needed to be used.
    Let me know how you like it (a critique, lol)!.

    Me llama mucho la atención esta receta. Me gustaría probarla. pero en este lado del mundo es verano y no es muy buena idea jaja.
    Saludos, bro.

    Simplemente marco publicaciones como esta que quiero guardar y luego están disponibles en el invierno, cuando es más atractivo.

    This looks very delicious. I wish I could take a spoon and have a taste out of my phone.

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. I think I will try this out.

    I suspect that that day will come when you will be able to scratch and sniff your computer or mobile, but that would only make you hungrier hahahahaha!!!
    It is not expensive (more or less) to make, you should try it when you get the chance.

    Wow it's look like very delicious food that you've make can I taste 😋😆

    Just wait until they make it so you can scratch & sniff the entree on the computer and it will drive people nuts hahahahahaha!!!
    And yes, you could taste it!

    You have a kitchen princess! I looks delicious and a lot of work hahahahha nicely chop work and I bet the smell is amazing

    I really do, hahahahaha, she's been around a couple of days.
    There are not many women I can think of to match her skills in the kitchen!
    So, I made another post hahahahaha!!!

    It seems easy to make and it looks very delicious. Thank you for the recipe.🤗

    It is fairly easy to make (well, at least my wife makes it look that way hahahahaha) but I'm not allowed in the kitchen, so you'll have to take my word for it, and the result is well worth any effort to make it.

    Greetings @jamerussell I love beans as well as being very healthy, thanks for sharing.

    These are super tasty as well! Hope you like it, I love this kind of food!

    Looks yummy!! 😋 And perfect for winter time. ❤️

    It most definitely is extremely yummy, but the whole thing is the simplicity of making it, anyone who knows how to cook beans and can cook bacon can make this easily!!!

    Looks so delicious! And the steps are quite easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

    It absolutely is! And the easy to make is a fringe benefit! Thank you!

    My pleasure, Sir.

    Demasiado rico que son los frijoles, en casa mi mamá hace de vez en cuando y la tocineta le da un gusto único.. gracias por compartir la rica receta fe su esposa 🤗

    ¡Qué genial que tu mamá haga estos! Debes asegurarte de saber cómo preparar esto, no es una comida cara.

    Que delicioso y reconfortante se ve ese plato, me encantan los frijoles y el toque ahumado siempre es genial en este tipo de preparacion, lo mas importante es su aporte nutricional que el cuerpo sin duda alguna lo agradecera. Gracias por compartir esta receta, saludos.

    ¡Es mi absoluto placer Crily!


    I never made a bean soup, Thanks to your wife, I will try it once 😇
    Big Hugs and love to you and your family James 🤗

    Thank you Miss Chance, I know you'll like it; the basics are there, you season to taste lol!

    Thanks James, count on me I will make a review about it 😉

    Totally awesome!!! Ping me when you do that please!!!

    Of course ! 😃

    Excelente receta, gracias por compartirla. Se ve delicioso ☺️

    ¡¡¡ES delicioso, si te gusta el tocino y te gustan los frijoles, te garantizo que está bueno!!! Jajajajaja

    Son 2 de mis cosas favoritas así que lo probaré ☺️

    No te arrepentirás!

    Wow... That looks delicious 😋🤤

    I love soups in all kinds but sadly making soup is one thing that I am really bad at 😁 lol
    To come up with good ones and what is a good mix.
    When I saw this White Bean With Bacon Soup... I just 😋 Yummy

    Bacon works with most everything and white beans are good when you know what to make with them.
    So I am absolutly gonna try this.

    You really chop them up good and most pieces look even, mine usually ends in all kinds of sizes 😂 Hahahaha

    In winter time like this and the cold, this was a post that gonna save many 😊 thx for the tip.

    Have a wonderful week my friend and big hugs and love 🤗🌹🤗

    Something tells me you will be just fine Saffy hahahahaha, doesn't really matter what it looks like, if it tastes good!!!
    And yes, bacon IS a staple food group hahahahahaha!!!
    You also have a wonderful week and I'll see you in the Alliance server!

    Fine Yes but a master chef 😂 Hahahaha.. Not so much.

    True tho, taste is the same even if it looks different and if 🥓 bacon is in.. Always works.. Lol
    Like 🧄 garlic.. I use that in Everything 😋 Yummy

    Happy I found your recipe tho and I let you know when I tried it.
    Stay Awsome and I see you in our 🏰
    Hugs 🤗💕🤗

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    I didn't know you knew how to cook! We can exchange recipes, @jamerussell !

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    @jamerussell! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (2/20)

    Hahahahaha, I have not been allowed near the kitchen since about a year or so after we got together, I can get cereal or toast hahahahahahaha, other than that she kicks me out!!!
    I am however, trying to get her to let me make another post (I need her help with everything) so I can put it together like I did this post.
    She makes killer recipes, they are the best!

    Ooops, that's me going straight to the recipe! It made me cook soup tonight! I cooked chicken noodle soup but used ramen noodles. Yummy!!!

    @jamerussell! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @silversaver888. (1/20)

    That's the problem with dealing with food posts, the food looks so good and makes you hungry so you eat what you have lol.

    I have always liked BEAN WITH BACON soup, and this sounds like a yummy recipe! Thanks for sharing! 😊


    You must be killin' it out here!
    @thekittygirl just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @jamerussell.
    You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
    They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


    Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

    My upvote is dwindling hahahahahaha!!!
    It is extremely tasty!!!
    One of my favorites, although I'll put her up against pros anytime!
    I expect to hear your version of this soon when you make this...

    This looks so nice and delicious, your wife did s great job.

    Thank you Freda, yes she did, she's an excellent cook!!!
    and I am probably overweight now hahahahaha!
    But this is basically the way she cooks, and it's totally okay with me!

    Lol, keep enjoying her delicacies


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    Thank you @hivebuzz, we missed you for a little bit there lol, glad you're still going strong!!!

    Thank you @jamerussell. We are glad to be back too. 🤗

    This soup sounds amazing—white beans and bacon—and it's ideal for winter! I adore Cheryl's dishes for their taste and practicality. An excellent idea is to freeze portions for later use. eager to give it a try! I appreciate you sharing.