Hello, Hivers!
I want to share that...
For a couple of years living alone, cooking was never really my cup of tea, especially when I was still living in a boarding house. Living in a limited space where I had to watch my acts so as not to inflict any violation on someone's rights, I felt like I was caged. I couldn't explore on the things I wanted to try. I felt like I needed my own space so that I could go beyond my comfort zone - and one of that was cooking.
I only have two partners in cooking. I have had this small rice cooker for a couple of years now and it still serves its purpose well. In cooking rice, I still prefer using this. It may look small but trust me, it never failed me.
In addition to, I had my electric stove used for cooking for almost 6 years now. I was contented using it back then even if I had to cook one food at a time. Aside from it consumes too much electricity, I couldn't depend on it especially when I am cooking big portions of food, now that I could invite friends and family to come over.
I seldom opt for a wood fire because it needs much effort, as for me, to cook as I still don't have a dirty kitchen. I needed to do the cooking outside. At the back of my mind, I had to buy something to aid my concern.
I've thought about this for a couple of days to make sure I don't end up being an impulsive buyer.
So, after contemplating, I purchased this Gas Table Cooker - a gas stove with two big burner heads and a grill. Aside from I can cook two dishes at a time, what interests me is the grilling part. Without second thoughts upon seeing it, I purchased it for PHP 4, 300 or 71.91 USD.
Here is its features:
Now, I can cook whatever I want at my convenience.
Here are some of the foods I have tried cooking using this newly purchased gas stove - my partner in cooking.
I've tried having toasted bread. I bought a piece of bread from Bread Talk, cut it in circles, placed some butter, and had them grilled. This was perfect. I paired it with bacon.
I've crossed fingers while cooking this delicious and tender pork ribs paired with the spicy sauce - made with wine.👌
These were the tasty garlic and tempura shrimp. For the tempura, I used cake flour and egg.
I have experimented on imitating cooking styles I've watched on social media and one of that is this. I forgot how exactly this is called but it's a porkchop meat cut into cubes and cooked with its own oil until tender. It was surprisingly delicious that you could ask for an extra rice.👌
(But sometimes, I don't mind taking photos because I usually get preoccupied with cooking. I patiently take pictures if I have the thought of sharing them in my blogs. Most of the time, I cook for self-satisfaction.🤣 And yeah, food is life.)
And just this morning, I noticed that the bananas I got from home almost got overripe. To save it from getting spoiled, I decided to have it cooked - a simple banana appetizer with no sugar.
As I get older, I realize that purchasing things for myself has slowly faded the guilt in me. Before, I didn't have the mindset to buy things that provided me convenience at work, and at home, because in my mind, I could still handle hassle. I could still manage the inconvenience. Now that my parents have put their trust in me with how I deal with my life, I feel like I am capable of owning the life I wanted. But please don't get me wrong, I still see to it that I have smart purchases.👌 I don't take much value on fleeting things. I still look at things that matter well. 💙
Now, at any time of the day, I can cook food for the people I love - in a convenient and easy way.
This is all for today's blog. Thank you for the constant support. Be safe everyone. Until the netswriting.