A good number of African youths. Thanks. You won’t have any plan. For their own future. Their plan is just to make money.
Everything that you have ever think of or thought about is how to make the money. Don’t even care the process. If the process is clean or not, they don't care. For dinner, the money must be made at all costs. I need this money is made at all costs. I’m wondering to what end? I’m wondering too. Why would you want to achieve a goal without even caring about the process if the process is illegal?
Are you not thinking of the consequence that is going to have on someone else? Either a victim somewhere or someone who is innocent and losing an idea about something that is happening, but all you just want to do is make money then? Decide to go through the legal way, then swing do one or two people or scam them into collecting a large sum of their money. And leave them stranded for the rest of their life while you enjoy and take it us. He. Shop things to do. Some people think they are smarter that is how they were able to make their money.
It is not true Is coming this campaign being illegal. Indian illegal thing still falls under the category of crime. Even in Christianity it is a scene and religion covers illegal stuff. So at any point in time that you ever want to make that wrong money, always think of somebody at the edge who is a victim.