Hive Aid: Introduction [ENG/PL]

in #standwithukraine3 years ago (edited)



There is a unique location in Cracow at Biskupi Square - Kingdom Without Limit (@krolestwo). It is a non-profit meeting place where the local Hive community gathers. Moreover, it is probably the only place in the entire world where you can get a cup of tea or coffee for HBD currency. There is also a token created thanks to the Hive Engine - RCRT. So the ties connecting Hive and the Kingdom are strong.

Since the first days of the war in Ukraine, the Kingdom has been involved in helping the victims of the war. Back in February, we started collecting necessary aid of all kinds. The generosity of many people was so incredible that we had to dedicate one entire room to store them. Now, after many weeks, the response is much less. However, we are still collecting what is needed in the war-stricken country. We help anyone who asks us for assistance. Our place has been visited by both refugees and those who decided to help Ukraine. We have hosted, among others, @blind-spot on his way to the Netherlands, and we hope to host him on his way back as well. In addition to preparing another shipment of necessities, we are currently working on Polish language lessons for Ukrainians living in Krakow.

Weeks pass but the needs are not decreasing. That's why we decided to use Hive for the purpose of crowdfunding. As long as this nightmarish conflict continues, all the rewards collected on the @hive.aid account will go to helping Ukraine. We encourage you to follow along. We will keep you posted here about all our activities. Glory to Ukraine!


The first day of war.


The first aid transport.


The first Polish lesson (beta).


W Krakowie przy Placu Biskupim znajduje się wyjątkowe miejsce - Królestwo Bez Kresu. Jest to niekomercyjne miejsce spotkań, w którym gromadzi się lokalna społeczność Hive. Co więcej - prawdopobnie jest to jedyny lokal na świecie, gdzie za HBD można dostać herbatę lub kawę. W użyciu jest również token stworzony dzięki Hive Engine - RCRT. Więzy łączące Hive i Królestwo są więc silne.

Od pierwszych dni wojny na Ukrainie Królestwo zaangażowało się w pomoc ofiarom wojny. Jeszcze w lutym rozpoczęliśmy zbiórkę potrzebnych rzeczy. Hojność była tak duża, że musieliśmy przeznaczyć na ich składowanie całe jedno pomieszczenie. Obecnie, po wielu tygodniach, odzew jest dużo mniejszy. My jednak wciąż zbieramy, to czego potrzeba w ogarniętym wojną kraju. Pomagamy wszystkim, którzy zwrócą się do nas o pomoc. Nasze miejsce odwiedzili zarówno uchodźcy, jak i ci, którzy postanowili ruszyć z pomocą na Ukrainę. Gościliśmy @blind-spot w jego drodze do Holandii i mamy nadzieję gościć go również w drodze powrotnej. Obecnie, oprócz przygotowywania kolejnego transportu rzeczy pierwszej potrzeby, pracujemy nad lekcjami języka polskiego dla Ukraińców mieszkających w Krakowie.

Tygodnie mijają, potrzeb jednak nie ubywa. Dlatego postanowiliśmy skorzystać z Hive jako formy crowdfundingu. Dopóki trwa ta koszmarna wojna wszystkie nagrody zebrane na koncie @hive.aid zostaną przeznaczone na pomoc Ukrainie. Zachęcamy do śledzenia. Będziemy informować tutaj o wszystkich naszych działaniach.


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You guys are simply incredible. I see so many familiar faces. Please tell them I say hi :D
It is really special that you've taken this step to help the Ukrainians. I remember the pile of aid stacking up in the room and the screen pointing outside the window welcoming anyone who wants to help.
I hope you also sent the small package I had left in the pile!

Thanks! :)

I hope you also sent the small package I had left in the pile!

Yes, the transport with your stuff went to Ukraine in mid-April.

Is your group one of the recipients of the NFTs for Peace funds?

No. NFTs for Peace is not enough and we do not want to use existing funds.

Hey @hive.aid, here is a little bit of BEER from @phoenixwren for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

What a great idea, if we all help and pray that teh war will be over soon the world will be a better place for sure. Indeed @blind-spot is in the netherlands and I even got to meet him and his lovely friend @priyanarc. I will do my utmost aswell to help out. This is not a newbie account so i wont leave the new welcome message but if you need hive related help there are so many hivers that can help

Britttt it was here that I spent my last few days in Karkow. I told you about them, remember? Oh such a wonderful experience in the "kingdom". And then I came here and we met :D

Super cool , we need to make that here in the Netherlands aswell hahahhah, now we want the war to end so you can return untill than i will be at your side

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