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RE: Breaking Bread

in #storylast month

I love my lodge cast iron stuff. I have a bunch of it and I use it quite frequently. Probably not as much as I should though. That is crazy about the coyote. In Michigan they are considered varmints, so you can shoot them if you are in a safe place. I'm sure others have already alerted animal control about them roving around. Good luck on the bread. I have always had issues with yeast working the way I need it to.


I've had good luck with the Lodge products too. We have a local hardware store that carries, what I thought was, their full line of products but I've never seen the bread pans before. They say it's good for meatloaf also. We have strict laws against shooting wildlife here in MN, within the metro area anyway. Thanks! Bread can be tricky. Sourdough is the trickiest of them all. Enjoy the weekend Jay!

My mom and dad visited the Lodge factory store down in Kentucky or Tennessee or wherever it is. You would be surprised at the things they have! We have some outlets up around this way as well. I figured being so close to the city there would be some pretty strict rules :)

Probably the most bizarre Lodge item I own is a wok. It weighs at least thirty pounds.

That is crazy. My mom and dad used to have an old travel charcoal grill that they bought at the Lodge store. That thing was heavy too!