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RE: Beyond the Tyranny of Now

in #storylast year

learn, unlearn, and relearn.

So very much needed here in SA!
We're all going to the polls on 29 May and hope that our grossly corrupt government will not come out as strong as in the past.
Those teas sound really good Eric!
If only more people in the world can understand and put that quote into practice!

I love your poetry!
This especially resonates:

These aging feet
still have some miles to travel,
these eyes, so many
sunsets to savor...


I bet! I think it's needed everywhere these days, corruption is so widespread. I'll keep this new Bohea Tea in my weekly rotation for a while. It would go so well with cured meats or salmon.

Lately I've been using quotes/memes that are put in my path as writing prompts and it's been so much fun.

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying the poetry. I have so many little bits and pieces of poems I've started. I'll be posting this series soon as I wrap some of them up. I hope you have a wonderful week and I hope the election goes the right way there in SA and things start to improve.