I’ve been away from Hive for a few weeks for a good reason. I have been working in Vietnam as part of start up for my work. I’ve was pulling 12-15 hour days and did not have much energy to much else than work and eat.
As you’ll notice from my photos I did a lot of eating. As for the trip o Eder up flying into Korea then into Vietnam. Most of my time spent in Vietnam was in Hai Phung. I was excited to be in Hai Phing because it’s a big of a foodies destination.
My coworkers are from the area and they actually planned and paid for every meal while I was there. This first photo is from a dinner where they specialized in hot pot. The hose special was crab hot pot. It was slightly spicy but it was packed with crab and loads of fresh vegetables.
This second photo is from the same hot pot mean but it was salmon ball special hot pot with a variety of fresh vegetables.
This photo was from one our lunches were they ordered everything on the menu. The star dish in my opinion was these fresh prawns wit a sweet sauce.
The there was the sails, oysters and squid which were all cooked to perfection. Hai Phung is a port town so I was focusing in on trying all the seafood I could find.
I figured I’d also try to show you the area where I was staying. It was a really nice part of town that is focused on hospitality for foreign travelers and business folks. That means the surrounding homes are extremely nice. I really enjoyed the little time I had to run in the morning to explore.
This an an example of the meals I got while working in the factory. They have a kitchen on site for the workers and they wanted to make is a traditional meal which was so delicious.
The last two photos were in my camera roll from another morning run.
Even though the work was grueling Vietnam was beautiful. The 20+ hours of travel to get there plus the 11 hour time difference was rough but I’m grateful for being able to go.