#taiwanUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsdeanliu in #hive-105017 • 11 days ago【跟著TT去旅行】南投草屯接地氣,吃大樹下炸蚵嗲交叉路口的大樹下吃在地炸物小攤,旁邊就是車流往來,怎麼樣?夠接地氣吧!?😂😂😋😋 話說,今年稍早我們跟著TT的腳步,來到中部南投縣的草屯鎮打球,順道,我們也小玩了一下。 小玩的意思,通常,八九不離十.... 就是吃。😆😆😆 草屯鎮似乎還蠻熱鬧的,但,這種小鎮,通常還有一個特色就是,路小車多。所以,隨便一個路口deanliu in #hive-105017 • 4 months ago奧運味道的內湖雞湯麵:文湖21 🤜🤛🥊🥉🍜幾週前某週日,我們早早幫TT報名了一個課外的英語跟數學的比賽,其實就是好玩,TT反正喜歡任何比賽,我們也沒有什麼期待,就是參與一下,順便也跟著考場所在認識一下新環境🤭 這個比賽我們參加過三四回了,這次,剛好又來到之前去過的考場:德明財經科大。在內湖。內湖的西湖,記得上次我就是用這西湖梗,發過了文章的。😂 這次同deanliu in #hive-105017 • 10 months ago乖乖不乖,變成學"蝦"精,背後的商場戰爭 😭😝這張便利店零食貨架圖裡,有一個緊張的對峙情勢,你感受到了嗎?💥👀 是的,今天的分享,很台灣。不是台灣的讀者,也可以藉此了解一下台灣的老大哥等級零食,今天,是兩個老大哥的戰爭!!!😡💥💥👺 喔不,更精確一點地說,是其中一個老大哥很賤地出招,另一個老大哥中招,但是不知道會怎麼反制... 好的,首先給不熟悉台灣的讀deanliu in #hive-105017 • last year彰化甲我以肉圓、咖啡、悠閒與燦爛的黃昏天空大家好,前兩天才說說幣價,就馬上給我大跌,今天才比較回穩一些,我想我還是分享吃喝玩樂好了😅😅😅 今天我來分享一下過年後到彰化去了一趟的好玩地點。 說道臺灣的彰化呢,最有名的東西之一,就是肉圓啦!台語音近Ba-Wan... 基本上就是絞肉外面裹上粉去炸或是蒸,淋上醬料吃,的一種小吃。 台灣很多地方都有肉圓,彰化deanliu in #hive-105017 • 3 months ago到新加坡小印度Muthus's Curry,不吃咖哩魚頭🐟🥘新加坡的小印度,Little India,我們認為,是對印度有嚮往或是興趣想探索,但卻又對真正印度旅行有所擔憂的人而言,是最佳的替代方案。 在可能十多年前,我們年輕時,還算常去新加坡旅行,那時候,去到小印度,感到非常驚喜!因為對於印度的神秘,當時就有所神往,但那時候,去印度旅行,更是不可想deanliu in #hive-105017 • last year【邊說邊遊墾丁】美墨風味餐廳:冒煙的喬 Smokey Joe's 大家好!又是一個星期沒見啦!😊😊 今天繼續回歸跟大家分享墾丁的一間美墨風味餐廳🌵🌮☀️ 這一間冒煙的喬,其實是墾丁蠻有名的一間餐廳,已經算是老字號了,當年這種美墨餐廳還不是很多,他們應該算是墾丁起家,而墾丁非常有這種悠閒放鬆的風格,跟這種餐廳風格一拍即合,所以當年他們還蠻紅的。 現在還cryptopsycho21 in #hive-120586 • 11 months agoLunch with my wifeLunch with my wife. Today, we went shopping for toys for the students. We need lots of rewards to keep them motivated. Afterwards, we stopped at the local Far Easter…cryptopsycho21 in #hive-120586 • last yearNew Year’s Eve at my sister-in-law’s house. Happy New Year! It’s New Year’s Eve in Taiwan and we are preparing a feast at my sister-in-law’s house. We invited some friends to join us. before 10 am. Had a productive morning. My sister-in-law was catering for an event and had to prepare 150 bentos (便當). So we got up early and got to work. ![](whangster79 in #hive-163772 • last yearTaiwan Hsinchu Night Market - Nomad Experiences 2024Living in Taiwan now for 3 full years, I have realized after visiting a night market event near our neighborhood... wow the Covid pandemic feels like its truly over. Hellz…funtraveller in #hive-163772 • last yearExploring Somerset & Cineleisure’s TaiWan Night “Food” MarketsSomerset is one of the hidden gems of Singapore that anyone should visit to check on the trendy stuff in the city. Basically, this is the place where the younger generations hang…gen-quimba in #hive-188409 • 7 days agoFilipino Taste always wins abroad!!Hello Hive Users! This time I am inspired to continue sharing what I have learned and how I adopted things from other people! Now let's talk about food. I am a food lover but I…