It's been a year of Good Fortune thanks to the local pet shop and their Christmas Raffles!
For every purchase during the month of December at Dexter's you get an entry into a few different raffle draws.
Last December, I chose to stock up on dog food, Good time of the year to do so, along with the Christmas raffle at Dexter's, you can scratch and win a certain percentage off your purchase. I remember feeling fortunate that I scratched the 70% off. Turned $100 bag of dog food into 30 bucks, And whatever else I purchase that day.
Then you write your name out on a ticket and select which prize you would like to win! The top prize being always a bag of dog food, This one probably has the most dollar value. Here's a look at the different draws today printed out on the back side of this ticket ⤵️
Let me cut to the chase!
Last December I got a number of entries into the Free bag of dog food every month for a year. Then it happened, it was like January 2nd or 3rd at the start of this year! My phone started to ring, I look down at it and I seen Dexter's pet store was calling. I knew at that moment I had won. I picked up the phone to hear the good news that I was the winner of a free bag of dog food each month for a whole year.
I was pretty thankful for this, With dog food costing summer between $100 and $150 Canadian dollars. I was in luck!
Here's a look at the Christmas tree at Dexter's from this year! I was just in there a couple days ago.
So yes, it's been a year of stopping at the local pet store and picking up a Free bag of dog food. Truth is I stopped up pretty good last December when I was putting entries in for the draw. I've managed to give one bag away this past year to charity. Should take another down to the food bank. I do have a another year supply of dog food for the pepper dog girls!
This definitely freed up some extra cash this past year, was able to make some good use of that dough.
Would like to thank Dexter's for putting on this Christmas raffle! Where do you get to choose your price!
#Also check this out
Want to learn more about how to help cats and dogs here on the high blockchain! There's this great account by the name of
They do some great work in the country of Thailand, helping with or four-legged friends!
Check out one of the recent posts about "Panther" here⤵️
Part one
Part two
I'm going to be sending the liquid HBD rewards from this post to @kbv.animalwelf. Please consider delegating or gifting some of those sweet HBD's or hives to @kbv.animalwelf! They make the hive blockchain go a long way for animals!
Thanks for stopping in and Hive for the win!