Obsidian is a note taking app that lets you organize information. This post isn't a review on the app but a show and tell on what I've been up to while using the app. You can download the app here. It's best to just show a screen shot of the UI to get the gist of how cool it is.
The topic is about the Philippine Stocks and I'm taking notes from the different sources publicly available and organizing them here. On the left side of the screen you'll see the notes are arranged in folders with each topic under it forming a node [the dots on screen]. To show a relationship between these subjects, the lines that connect them are highlighted. The more interrelated the topics you create, the more busy the web of information you weave and this is one of the cool parts about building your notes on the app.
Above, you can see I highlighted a large node labelled "PSEi Index" which highlights the links with other stocks the comprise of this index. I'm not going into too much technical details here but you can check out the some series of youtube tutorials like this for its full functions.
I know studying something complex may not be everyone's leisure time but trying to make it fun is the self hypnosis I need to last long. There are days when I don't really feel like learning but nothing is gained without actions. It's fun to see the web grow by effort and this is directly related to how much progress I made with regards to my hobby study.
I'm just passively investing in the Philippine stock market using mutual funds. This study is more of a hobby than going hardcore studying macroeconomics to get some sort of edge and get rich from trading. That's just wishful thinking and anyone who has been trading in Philippine stocks with exposure to Forex or Crypto would know it's not worth day trading in due to low liquidity.
The app can be used for almost anything you like to keeps about. It can even store media. I only know how to use the basic functions but this is more than enough to get the most out of the app. There are quality of life improvements when one really puts more hours understanding all the functions of the app but one can already get by building the cool spider web of information with just a few tutorials on Youtube.
Thanks for your time.