szejq in #hive-134382 • last monthSernik Belgijski - kremowe wykonanie w wodzie kąpane 🍰🍰 Rzadko coś gotuję, jak już coś robię to często się z Wami dziele. Na weekendzie udało mi się coś ugotować, a raczej upiec. Pomysłem do zrobienia czegoś na słodko była chciwość…szejq in #hive-142159 • 2 months agoThe Art of Cooking Black and WhiteThese crooked, uneven, non-round shapes similar in size to a ping-pong ball are a traditional Polish food, called Silesian Dumplings (potato dumplings with a dimple). They are…szejq in #hive-120586 • 5 months agoSweet and healthy dinner - fruit salad 🍍🍊🍊Today a healthy, fruity dinner. A salad consisting of three fruits: orange, pineapple, persimmon. These three ingredients are enough, they are juicy and sweet, soszejq in #hive-120586 • 5 months agoBeef Stroganoff Soup - meat and vegetable 🍲Today I wanted to present one of my favorite meat soups. In my family, this soup is called Stroganoff, although in the traditional recipe it is more of a thick sauce than a soup.…szejq in #hive-120586 • 6 months agoOven-baked trout 🐟Today I will serve fish from the oven. It is trout, a popular freshwater fish from Poland. This is my debut with this fish, I am making this dish for the first time. Let's start…szejq in #hive-100067 • 6 months agoSpaghetti with spinach and tomatoes.Even small gestures and things can bring happiness. I made my wife a present, so I'm cooking at home for a week. Today is the first day. I don't know if there will be more posts…szejq in #hive-134382 • 7 months agoKonkursowy Chicken Burger 🍔🍔 Mało się dzieje na Community @polish.hive więc aż wypada tutaj umieścić post 🙂 Jak na razie w konkursie chyba walczę sam... był mój szybki post [kiełbasy z jajem](szejq in #hive-100067 • 7 months agoSausage with egg - quick dinner 🥚🥚🍳Hello! This is probably my first post in this community. I present a humble idea for a quick, warm dinner with fewer ingredients :) Today's proposal is a fragrant pork sausage…szejq in #hive-120586 • last yearEaster cakes from Poland 🥚🐇Baking Easter cookies today. I admit that I only took photos and ate the broken cookies :) my wife baked them. I actually got home when they were baked and participated in…szejq in #hive-120586 • last yearCooking on an electric grill - Turkey 🦃I rarely cook, but today I made lunch (or rather dinner). Maybe it's quite obvious, but I want to show you that you can also cook in an electric grill (without deep frying or…szejq in #hive-120586 • last yearPork chops goulash in its own juice | Bitki schabowe w sosie 🥩I rarely cook. Today I was given a difficult task: to cook something for dinner with pork loin. In fact, I declared myself that I would cook today, below is the result of my…szejq in #hive-134382 • last yearKolęda na wesoło 😊Wczoraj czekaliśmy na wizytę duszpasterską, ale ksiądz nie dotarł. W naszej parafii nie ma informacji, którego dnia będzie kolęda w danym domu. Ksiądz idzie po kolei z dnia na…szejq in #hive-142159 • last yearChristmas dinner | Świąteczna kolacjaŻyczę wszystkim szczęścia, radości, spokoju, czasu spędzonego w gronie rodzinnym. Wesołych Świąt HIVE! I wish everyone happiness, joy, peace and time spent with family. Happy…