One of the convenient things of being in Germany for a while is that I have easy access to second hand things. There’s this great website called "Kleinanzeigen" where people can put the stuff they don’t need or want any more up for sale or even just to give it away for free.
I got the whole interior of my appartement this way back when I still lived here!
Now that I’m visiting I took advantage of that again and got myself a new second hand phone! And I’m super happy!
My good old Nexus 5x is with me for ten years now and was already second hand when I got it. It still works for some use cases, but it sometimes doesn’t want to charge anymore or connect to the internet. Over the years it had to be repaired multiple times, got two new batteries and a few complete system resets and I think maybe it’s just tired and doesn’t want to do all this modern stuff anymore ^^ It’s still happy to play my guided meditations in the evenings though, you know, the relaxed things in life.
On the website I found a very nice woman who wanted to get rid of her (almost new) Motorola, because she got her Iphone back from repairs. It was a very good deal and we both were happy :)

I actually use my phone mainly for creative purposes, less for calling or texting ^^
I’m super stoked about it having a pretty good camera, so I can enjoy taking pictures again! Also it has loads of storage capacity, so I could even film videos or record audio without overwhelming it. I can even connect it to the internet to post some Ecency Waves here on Hive! Amazing!
Super happy to have a new tool!
And I want it to stay with me for a while, so I started sowing a simple protective "sock" for it out of a piece of fabric that I removed from a pair of white summer pants. You know the fabric that they put in as a second layer so people don’t see your underwear? I shortened it, because it was unnecessarily long.

It was more a quick practical job, I just wanted to be able to use my phone and not worry about it getting scratches, so I didn’t care much about aesthetics, as you can see in my imperfect hand sewing ^^ And can you see the wave that developed there in the fabric?

Not the prettiest thing I’ve ever made, but it does the job for now. Also I intend to maybe crochet something nice to put over it as well. But for that I have to wait until my van is out of the workshop, because all my wool and crocheting stuff is in there.
I’ll update you as soon as I get around to that, already looking forward to it :)

all images in this post are my own