Hello Everyone!
Today I make a beautiful paper wall decor. That wall decor is a flower basket shape. Need a lot of flowers and leaves for this one. The basket shape is made with paper pieces. I think that the wall decor is more beautiful because of flower basket shape. Need a little cardboard for that one.
In the first step, cut the cardboard as circular shape and cut a little on one side. I glue it with purple paper. I make a roll of yellow paper and fold it. Attach it with cardboard. In this step, make yellow paper pieces. Use them to make the shape of the basket as shown in picture.
Three sheets of pink paper are cut by the same length and width. Their dimensions are 13cm, 11cm, 9cm. Fold them in half step by step. Draw on it as shown and cut to make a flower shape. Stretch around their edges. Cut a little the edge and glue it back. Glue these three flowers together. Purple flowers are also made in the same way with 6cm.
Cut the leaf shapes and fold them as wavy shapes again. Many leaves are made in the same way.
Glue the pink flower on the purple cardboard first, then glue the purple flowers around it. I also add the leaves. Add red circle shape paper pieces in the middle of these flowers.
I think that flower basket wall decor is very unique. So I like it a lot. I also take beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for your reading my post to the end.
February 6, 2025
Written by @asterkame
By my photos & made by me