It's interesting how this time of year can really put you in a "mood" if you know what I mean. They say it is "the most wonderful time of the year", but for some reason it often has the effect of putting me in a reflective mood.
It isn't that subtle, casual reminiscing either, it's often some combination of longing, humbleness, and maybe a little regret bashing you over the head like a sledge hammer.
As horrible as that sounds, it isn't really a bad thing, it more specifically just "is". I think part of it has to do with the fact that the new year is right around the corner. There is something about those four digits ticking over on the calendar that really make you take stock of the past 12 months.
Radio stations have already started to play their top 100 songs of whatever countdowns, and invitations have gone out for that big new years party that everyone will be talking about on Tuesday.
I remember the excitement of waking up on Christmas morning and seeing all the presents around the tree. It was a magical feeling watching the toys slowly materialize was each piece of wrapping paper was ripped away.
Then, as I got older, toys turned into more practical things like tools. There was still a bit of magic to it, but somewhere in the back of your head, you knew that this particular holiday was going to be forever changed.
Now, as an adult, I can pretty much buy whatever I want, so even that little bit of magic is faded away.
I think that fallacy in everything I just said lays in the fact that I am assuming that Christmas magic is derived from things. When in fact, the joy of Christmas should really come from somewhere else.
@mrsbozz and I don't have kids, but we get to watch our nieces and nephews open presents each year. I think there is something really special in that. I can't tell you how excited my nephew/godson was when he opened up the silver I got for him.
His eyes lit up like a spotlight when he saw the 2024 1 oz dragon round. I thought he was going to be more excited by the Army piece I got him, but I guess that is just part of the magic of Christmas, never knowing what to expect from children.
I'm sure I will be writing another post before the beginning of the new year, but right now, that is really where my mind is heading. We have a lot of unknowns in front of us and there is going to be a lot of emotions I think.
My hope is that we can all take it in stride and look for the magic even in small amounts wherever we can find it.
I hope you all have a blessed holiday. Thanks for taking the time to read my brief reflection and thanks to @tarazkp for making this great community.
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