builderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 3 days agoDon't Fall For It, It's A Trap!I often write about two things. Food will be scarce in the future (as farmland is depleted, and fails) There is a group making sure you will eat ze bugz. From this, you may thinkbuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 26 days agoThe Most Important Thing To Do Right Now Is Find Your TribeMr. Orange Man will do nothing that really fixes the system. He can't. I can only show you the door, you are the one who has to walk through it Each person must leave the controlbuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • last monthT.H.E.Y. Want You To Go Hungry.Have you noticed the price of eggs recently? Have you noticed the price of meat? The price milk? The price of everything in the store? Every one of these seems to have a plausible excuse. Tbuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 2 months agoMonetary Investments Are Over. Start Buying Things That Are RealMany people do not comprehend that stocks are only valuable because more and more money keeps being printed. The same with Real Estate. If it wasn't for banks, and debt based, fractional reserve lbuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 2 months agoThink About Ways You Can Feed YourselfIf you haven't noticed, food prices are going up. Also, if you haven't noticed, the amount of food on supermarket shelves is going down. "Chickens are dying from bird flu, that is why the prbuilderofcastles in #hive-123046 • 3 months agoFeeding Everyone Requires A New Economic SystemCommunism makes sure most food gets allocated evenly to everyone. However, it also eliminates the reward for producing more food, which makes sure that country will eventually starve. Cabuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 3 months agoThere Is Only One Way To Survive- Plan To Feed EveryoneThe ultimate prepper question is, what will you do when the horde of hungry people come to you homestead? There are three major possibilities Kill 'em Feed 'em all…builderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 3 months agoIf You Knew By X Date, People Would Be Starving, What Would You Do Different?If KNEW that by 9-12-2026 Americans would be relying on the good will of other nations to send us food, to keep us from starving, what would you do different? Lets say that you had a crystal babuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 3 months agoRetirement / Retiring Will Have A Whole New MeaningRetirement, a decade ago meant acquiring enough wealth, to buy enough assets, to support yourself during retirement. (1 million in the bank gets you about $5,000 a month) But, few madebuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 4 months agoWars, Natural Disasters & the VAXXX - That's A Lot of BodiesPutin said if NATO/The US missiles are used to hit places inside Russia, then nuclear weapons are an option. And, it has been said that The US authorized missile strikes into Russia. Wbuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 4 months agoThings We Have Known For All Our Lives, Are Going Away. Stocks, Real Estate, Food…The more i analyze these market. The more i look into the evil behind these monetary "things". The more i comprehend why they do not exist in the future. Real Estate is an abhorrent idea. Througbuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 5 months agoIt Is Too Late To PrepareThere have been many prepping channels on ThemTube. Many prepping blogs. Many prepping how-to's. Preparing for a SHTF situation. Well, it is too late to prepare. Not only is the end times (andbuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 6 months agoComing Food Shortages; Should you buy wheat futures?Grocery stores and Wallymart try to cover it up, but i see shortages every time i go to one of these places. There used to be a huge section for a certain food product, now it is a tinybuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 7 months agoYour Nice Suburban House, With the Manicured Lawn, Is Not An AssetAll our lives, house prices have only gone up (and down briefly, but then back up) and we believe this is the way it will always be. We listen to thesebuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 7 months agoNow, It Is Very Apparent, But May Need RepeatingFood is going to keep going up in price. Good food, will go up even more. Healthy food may become unobtainable, unless you know someone. (not, wink wink, nod nod, i mean, actually knowing a farmebuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 8 months agoBesides Bitcoin, this bull run, Food Is Going to Outperform EverythingSome foods are up over 100% over the last 5 years. Some are up more. This has beaten the S&P 500. It has thoroughly trashed the bond market And this trend will only accelerate.builderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 9 months agoDo Not Bet On FoodIf you hear of a famine coming, many people choose to go out and go long the Wheat Market, or Pork Bellies Futures. The Comex is an evil place. And it is only tolerable during timesbuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 9 months agoAssets of the Future - Farmland Is Not An AssetFarmland, is it the the most secure investment? Especially when you think a food shortage is coming? Well, Gilly Bates thinks so and is buying up lots of American farmland. They Chinese think sbuilderofcastles in #hive-110786 • 10 months agoYou Will Eat Ze Bugz - Or You Will Grow Your Own FoodThe elite, those mother WEFers, the evil that hides in the shadows and controls the govern-cements around the world… T.H.E.Y. have built many bug growing/processing plants all over America, in bacbuilderofcastles in #hive-167922 • 10 months agoBuy Food! Sell STocks. Sell Real Estate.I wish this was just financial advice. Well, i wish this was just a sales pitch for a grocery store. But it isn't. Right now, it is life saving advice. Things are happening, and part of that wil