Time bomb

in Reflections10 months ago

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The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.

- Antoine de Saint-Exupery -

"...never too late to do something."

Yeah sort of. I mean, it can be too late in certain circumstances...like when you're dead for instance. Yes, it's going to happen - your life will end one day no matter how focused you are on ignoring the fact. You're a ticking time bomb and when the moment strikes it's not an explosion that occurs, it's lights out, for good. Blackness. A void. Nothing.

Depressing to think about? Yeah I guess many would say so but I am not one of those. Sure, I don't go around celebrating the fact I'll eventually die - that wouldn't be very productive - but I certainly don't allow thoughts about it to dominate my life...instead I live my life better because of it!

"...time for action is now."

Now that is something I can wholeheartedly embrace!

Taking action is my thing and that comes out in various ways.

I am focused on taking the actions that will positively impact upon my life and those that align with my ideals, ideas and concept of right and wrong, good and bad and other such things. Sometimes people disagree with my actions, sometimes I disapprove of my own actions because I am human and make mistakes, but I never shy away from taking action as it helps me live my life better and those mistakes I may make along the way are valuable because they help me readjust and proceed in better directions.

I don't know when my time will be up - certainly there's more time behind me than in front though - and that's ok. I've had a good life full of great success which I've celebrated and monumental failure I've adjusted for then moved towards more success. In the present I have a good life, comfortable and well-furnished so to speak, and the future looks to be more of the same. There'll be difficulties of course, there always is, but when the clock reaches the point that triggers the blackness, the void, that is death...well, I'll be gone and who cares, certainly not me because I'll be dead. What I know now though, and what is important, is that I take actions that help me live a good life.

The time to take action and improve your life is now, it's never to late to do something positive to move yourself in the right direction...unless you're fucken dead - galenkp

Does knowing you're going to die today, tomorrow or at some unknown point in the future help motivate you to get the most out of every day as it does with me? Does the thought of your own death paralyze you with fear? Can you rate your life now as ten out of ten or is it somewhat less and if the latter why and what are you doing to improve it? Feel free to comment if you would like to.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[Original and AI free]
Image(s) in this post are my own


As a Christian, knowing I'll die someday doesn't scare me. Like everything else in life, despite any actions that I take, it's beyond my control. I can only exert a small amount of influence in the grand scheme of things, and it's just enough to make the clock hand twitch for a split second, if you're looking closely.

I believe most days are a 10/10, but I'm human and choose to focus on my expectations. From that "metric," no, my days are not 10/10. From the metrics of "I have a loving wife and kids, a roof over my head, food, running water, a sweet goofball of a dog, friends who care about me and time to make happy moments," then yes, my life is a 10/10 and I take it for granted far more times than I should.

I'm still trying to exert what little control I think I have, in order to create more of those happy moments. I'm trying to be a better Christian and look at things through Christ's eyes rather than my own, because things are much simpler that way when I do. I think I appreciate the smaller things more this way and the "setbacks" don't seem so significant in the long run, and I find the "10/10" in each day, when I focus on what matters.

I'm not sure how much control anyone can actually apply to their lives, in a general sense, but we're all able to influence our thoughts and attitudes which will ultimately dictate our actions and that's a reasonable way to proceed I think.

You mention some things that you have around you; the glaringly obvious omissions are, latest iPhone, Mimco handbag, palatial house purchased on credit with a steam of online purchases (also on credit) arriving at the door. What I mean, is that you don't list material items, just some of the basic things...and the most valuable things.

People seem to have forgotten what is important in life, or have been brainwashed into swapping them out for the unimportant thinking they're better off for it, that their lives are better. I disagree though.

Happy moments, you said...creating them in life, more often, will lead to a better life, more fulfilling, enjoyable and complete.

Just my opinion of course, but what do I know huh?

Yeah, the older I get, the more I realize it's just the illusion of control over our lives. I agree that we can best handle things by focusing on positive thoughts and attitude.

Yeah, when I was a kid I wanted all of those things. As I get older, I realize more and more how empty and unfulfilled those things are.

I think if we all focused on the people next to us instead of the stuff, we'd certainly be better for it, even if it didn't fix all of the problems in the world.

No one knows when the last bell will toll, still got your wits about, do it now, even if you comfy.

Yep, that's exactly right, it's not something that's programmed. Each day is a gift.

It's not selfish to want time for oneself, spend it alone or with others, it is ours not to waste.

I couldn't agree with you more than I do! 😄

It's never really too late as long as you're alive; you still have the chance to do what you want to do. There's hope in everything as long as you're still alive. So do what you want to do before you regret it later on.

Yeah, hope is good...but action is better.

A question I often ask myself: If I knew for sure that next week I will die, how will I live the present week?
Surely not whining that I will die soon. I’ll live intentionally and with purpose. How much more when no day is guaranteed? When it could be tomorrow?
This makes me live each day to the fullest.

It's best to understand that one's demise is always on the horizon...it should help people work harder to get the most out of life.

Time is an action for now. True I always try not to think of what will happen in the future but instead, I enjoy every moment of my daily life. Thinking of the future will only cause me stress

I do both, live in the moment (present) and also plan for the future because having no plans would mean a pretty bad future.

I also plan for the future especially for my kids

Carpe diem! Take action now, embrace life's uncertainties, and strive for your ideal future.

Too right! Nicely said, concise and such good advice everyone should be following.

While I feel I have not lived a very successful life for very many reasons, I don't fear death for one reason but I do pray for it to not be now, for a reason.
As a Christian, I do know this much, that every man is a soul covered by the flesh and while the soul never dies but transitions from this plane to a higher one, only the flesh rots. So I look forward to a higher 'calling', so to speak but not before my children are able to stand on their own two feet because they have become my life's purpose, they are the reason I don't want it to be now. Their successes would translate to my own success. Then and only then would I bow out without any regret.

I'm not sure about higher callings but I know this for sure, I have life now and want to live it the best I can and so I work towards that at the same time as planning the future. When I die...well, I'll not care too much afterwards I think.

Hi Galen, I'm not really worried about death. I know it will come and that's the only thing that gives me peace of mind. The peace of mind of knowing that whatever I do, it is inevitable. This is related to my assessment of the current moment in my life, which I would rate at an acceptable 6.5. It may seem a low score, but it is the result of a decision I made at the time, and one that I do not regret. Now, it's a matter of getting to 7 and climbing upwards. Have a great day

I think it's a good strategy to assign a number out of two to one's life...that way one can ask, now how do I improve that number, as you allude to.

That's what it's all about, improving. A big hug

I'm about to do some improving right now...ok, not really, I'm about to do some sleeping! A fifteen hour workday today, a long one. I think deserve an hour or two of sleep huh?

Have a good day, catch you around later.

See you later Galen, a Hug

There are times when I get bouts of depression. During those times, most of what goes through my mind is "what's the point". By this point, the best way to improve my mood is to just sleep it off. It usually resets my brain and puts it back to neutral. When I'm not depressed, the thought of dying doesn't really do much to me. I just go about my day like usual.

This is a little alarming to hear, not about the bouts of depression, more that you sleep to deal with it. Might I suggest, (only a suggestion mind you), that you try setting some goals that you can comfortably attain? It will help focus you and add something to aim at, give you a point, so to speak. You may find it starts to create momentum on which you can build.

Thanks. I'll try to do that.

In recent years my fear of dying often crops up when I'm at heights, I have this feeling I'm going to die from a fall. Other than that, I haven't really given a lot of thought about death.

I've made plans to make sure I won't end up on the streets when I grow old, and up till now I'd say I've had a pretty good life, and done pretty much what I want to do. The only things I would like but haven't done are all materialistic stuff like flying first class, going to the Antarctica, I won't die with regret if I don't do it.

We have a saying in our culture, "not as good as the ones above, a lot better than the ones below". Being content is where I am now. A bit like on Hive really.

There's a lot to be said for contentment; that doesn't mean one has reached the maximum and cannot/should not work towards improvement though, it's about being happy in each moment, content with what one has done with it, which brings less chance for regret, and I think that's what helps make life feel more fulfilled.

We all have things we want to do, like Antarctica for instance, and if they're important enough they'll happen, although finding happiness and contentment generally, even through simple things, is one of the elements that make up a good life, for me at least. Many small enjoyable moments are preferable to holding out for the big ones that may not occur very often.

Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

"No one can go back in time and start over. But you can start from the present moment and make a new ending" – Karl Bard;

Get started - that's half the job.

When I get stuck somewhere, the only thing that matters is that I start, after that everything goes in its own way towards the end.
But sometimes it's hard to start again.

I don't think about death, except when someone close to me passes away.
Then I start even more and promise myself some new goal, a healthier life, more fulfilling days...
Because then I remember what I know and what I don't think about... Every day can be the last so live the best you can.

Taking the first step towards a better life is what so many people choose not to do but every journey begins with a single step right?

Regret is something that plagues many people, some us out of their control and some is because of poor decisions and actions. Dwelling on it won't improve the situation, action in the present and planning for the future will. It all seems so simple right?

You have encouraged me with this post and action in the present to take action tonight.
We've been thinking about using the rest of our vacation for days, considering options, weighing where is the best place to go...
A little while ago I decided to act, I didn't want to wait any longer, I bought plane tickets for the most expensive option...
There is only one life! 😀

The first step has been taken, now let's go to the next: hotel, rent a car, tickets...

Nice work!

Often once the forward movement begins, the initial action, the momentum starts and it's much easier to keep it going from there.

Well done indeed!

Thanks 🙂
I will probably share here with you my thoughts (dilemmas and expectations) before the trip, and the trip itself will probably lead to interesting posts 🙂

Good plan.

Hello friend, good writing. Personally, I like to act and make the most of my time with the best attitude, and everything we do I know that everything will be rewarded in the best way.🤗

Doing this, having the right attitude and taking the right actions will help a person create a better life for themselves, waiting for it to happen but putting in no effort will not. Well done for being proactive about your life.

It doesn't really scare me, but it does make me realize there is still a lot more I want to do in my life before I get to that point. It also helps me realize that dwelling on regrets is not the best use of my time. It's hard to break free of that though.

Regrets can be difficult to deal with, I guess the best thing is to work towards bit having any, but that's not the easiest either. Life is hard I suppose, working at it is the key.

Sad thing is my regrets aren't even that big. They are just stupid things I said or did in my past. In the grand scheme of things they are virtually irrelevant.

We all have those. One must move on though, understand that those things were based around what we knew (or thought we knew) at the time. Attaching stories to those events, allowing them to dictate and influence now, breathes new life into them. Best to just breathe life into life in the present and work towards a better future at the same time.

Just my perspective on it.

And a good perspective it is! Thank you!

The idea of death doesn't scare me, in that sense I'm very calm... I have seen a little of what is out there and it is very good, but I strive every day to fulfil my mission here to make things better every day and to help and teach everyone I can.

My life is not 10, because I haven't finished my work yet, there is still a lot to learn, but improving myself every day, and creating a better way I think I'll get there... soon. I love the process!

The process of moving towards an ideal life is what it's all about, the journey. The problem for many is that they stay in place, stagnate. A choice I guess.

Life is a choice, it's up to each one to decide... then you will have the consequences.

Knowing that death is certain kind of helps me to live fully, making the most of the time as much as possible.
My life is currently not a ten out of ten certainly. I still have areas I have to improve and expectations I have of myself which I am yet to accomplish but it doesn't bother me. I keep getting there with each passing day.

Hopefully you know a few things you can do to move your life-score closer to ten out of ten. I'm not sure anyone would ever attain it, but moving towards it will certainly make life more enjoyable.

Sometimes we debate whether I am doing right or wrong, whether I am wrong or not, and we do not understand that this is the only way to accumulate the experience to learn how to improve our way of living. Death is not to be feared, it is only a fact that will happen sooner or later, that is why the risk must be taken now.

It's really important to understand what's relevant in one's life, the important things and those that are maybe not quite important. If a person knows that, and expends effort on those things that are most important then life is going to be better.

I waffle on how I think on it. Yes I know it is unavoidable and yes I know the time could still be long or very short.

Sometimes I think there are things I should get done NOW ! ... just in case and other times I am sure I shouldn't think about it much and just go with the flow till my time comes. Not like I really have a choice, just whether or not I make myself crazy over it. 😄

There really is a couple things I should get done and stop dragging my feet, but, maybe tomorrow.

It all comes down to need; what needs one has and how relevant and important they may be to life and in the moment I guess. If something is important enough it'll get some, or should, but other things can be left. I think it's important to have the ability to prioritise.

I'm no expert and have done things sub-optimally in the past (may in the future too) but having a little focus on these things is preferable to no focus.

It is true that everyone has to die one day. But as you live in the present moment, you do some work and you get peace from the soul. If I talk about myself, I am associated with spirituality. I enjoy seeing my Ishtadev early in the morning. I don't get the peace of soul just by seeing them, I don't get that peace from going somewhere or doing any work. That peace is such that it lasts for a long time. Thoughts are different in every human being.. @galenkp

Yeah, people are all different so have different thoughts.

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