PostsCommentslupega in # • 9 hours agoRE: I work more than I eatI wish you a happy nightlupega in # • 9 hours agoRE: I work more than I eatI wish you a happy nightlupega in # • 9 hours agoRE: I work more than I eatI hope you smiled a little too. I have a bit of a dark sense of humor, I admit; smiling is excellent therapy.lupega in # • 11 days agoRE: Pupusas de LorocoTe deseo un feliz fin de semana. Persevera , verás resultados , busca usuarios para comentarles , que den votos . Es un consejo , pero tú decideslupega in # • 15 days agoRE: Are you hungry?I totally agree with you, when we are hungry we are grateful to be able to eat something, and GOD always provides us with something. I wish you a happy start to the weeklupega in # • 19 days agoRE: Pupusas de LorocoNunca he comido una pupusa , tal vez algún día tenga la oportunidad de comerlalupega in # • 22 days agoRE: I don't know which one to choose but I have to buy bread/No sé cuál elegir pero tengo que comprar pan.I wish you a happy start to the weeklupega in # • 22 days agoL'hamburger è il migliorelupega in # • 22 days agoRE: I work more than I eat/Trabajo más de lo que comoI wish you a happy start to the week