PostsCommentslupega in #ecency • yesterdayI work more than I eatIt's not easy to say NO to a burger If you don't work you don't eat, a realistic phraselupega in #funny • 16 days agoI definitely love dogsA few months ago I bought a dog and today I could NOT help but buy another one ...lupega in #ecency • 26 days agoI work more than I eat/Trabajo más de lo que comoIf you don't work you don't eat, a realistic phrase Si no trabajas no comes, una frase realistalupega in #ecency • 27 days agoI don't know which one to choose but I have to buy bread/No sé cuál elegir pero tengo que comprar pan.Nowadays there are so many brands of products that offer so much variety that buying something takes us more time... I wish you a happy night. Hoy en día hay tantas marcas de productos que ofrecenlupega in #ecency • last monthThis is my lunch/Este es mi almuerzoI ordered frisby for my lunch, from time to time I go off the diet that is normally linked to the daily exercise that I do, well I will go jogging at night....I wish you a happy day. Pedí frisby parlupega in #ecency • 2 months agoLet's enjoy a good coffee while the cryptocurrency market impresses uslupega in #ecency • 3 months agoBirthday cakeToday I bought this cake to take to my friend PATRICIA's house we'll be celebrating her 22nd birthday tonight. I hope she likes it.lupega in #ecency • 3 months agoA sweet tasteI exercise daily, BUT, BUT I think it's fair to give myself a treat like this While these products are high in calories, it is also true that increaslupega in #ecency • 3 months agoMy lunchIt's the weekend and I'm working, I went out to buy my lunch, it looks and tastes delicious, the price is NOT as high as in other restaurants, so I have the possibility to come…lupega in #ecency • 3 months agoFood and something elseA few days ago I enjoyed this delicious dish, today I ordered the same one in the same restaurant and its value has increased by 20%, it seems disproportionate to me and if we…lupega in #food • 5 months agoLet's sweeten lifelupega in #life • 5 months agoA hot drink counteracts the cold of the nightlupega in #writing • 6 months ago¿Is tip included?In many restaurants the so-called tip is applied, I agree since the service deserves it, buying an ice cream like this does not include it, however there are those who give…lupega in #food • 6 months agoRefreshing and deliciouslupega in #food • 7 months agoDark coffee with guava cake, delicious combinationlupega in #food • 7 months agoA cup of hot chocolate while I worklupega in #food • 7 months agoA good combinationlupega in #food • 7 months agoRefreshing and with a touch of coffeelupega in #food • 7 months agoGastronomic techniqueCAUSA is the name of this dish, I bought it at La Matriarca a restaurant that has a long history and it is said that the chef has excellent cooking techniques, I would say it is…lupega in #life • 7 months agoA coffee after a lot of work