alstonsjournal in #hive-120586 • 17 days agoRE: Rica Torta de Vainilla para Disfrutar en Carnavales 🍰🍰🍰 Rich Vanilla Cake to Enjoy at Carnivals Lovely bake! Looks amazing! I hope you had a nice time! Thanks for sharing!foodiesunite Foodie Teamin #hive-120586 • 17 days agoRE: Rica Torta de Vainilla para Disfrutar en Carnavales 🍰🍰🍰 Rich Vanilla Cake to Enjoy at Carnivals ![CKq55bDMMa5C9zjdaYBZxnPMSS25AZZuNXNLEYfzw2o7RznvGD2vzBRbDH4vP4bFjA2DoCbXAwo9bZBWrEKeCNaumQtyN4TPp8KNR7DwgJAmPxhmWiEeMsAaUB1qorVXzqBzT95BCg7ey5BxeLdfXVFFx9gv14JaHwZrnHGXMU9JYxCPVUdsc-r2cornell in #r2cornell • 17 days agoRE: Rica Torta de Vainilla para Disfrutar en Carnavales 🍰🍰🍰 Rich Vanilla Cake to Enjoy at Carnivals Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord Manually curated by Blessed-girl Felicitacionejosief27 in #hive-120586 • 22 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella CheeseSe ve muy buena, excelente opción mas saludable, saludos.yasmarit in #hive-120586 • 24 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella Cheeseque sabroso se ve! how tasty it looks!noemilunastorta in #spanish • 24 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella CheeseWhat a super rich tortilla!!!!🤤🤤🤤maytom in #hive-120586 • 24 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella CheeseI like Mozarella..hhmmmm yummy @mariela-balstonsjournal in #hive-120586 • 24 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella CheeseI'm sure the cheese pull will be amazing! It looks delicious! Thank you for sharing!ikigaidesign in #hive-120586 • 25 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella CheeseMuy buena receta, la tendré en cuenta, yo hice la tortilla sola, o bueno hice el intento jajaja tengo que volver a intentarlo, gracias por compartir, saludos.foodiesunite Foodie Teamin #hive-120586 • 25 days agoRE: Torticas de Zanahoria Rellenas de Espinaca y Queso Mozarela 🥕🥬🧀🥕 Carrot Tortillas Stuffed with Spinach and Mozarella Cheese![CKq55bDMMa5C9zjdaYBZxnPMSS25AZZuNXNLEYfzw2o7RznvGD2vzBRbDH4vP4bFjA2DoCbXAwo9bZBWrEKeCNaumQtyN4TPp8KNR7DwgJAmPxhmWiEeMsAaUB1qorVXzqBzT95BCg7ey5BxeLdfXVFFx9gv14JaHwZrnHGXMU9JYxCPVU