mein-senf-dazu in LeoFinance • 7 months agoCurrent status in my garden - Aktueller Status in meinem GartenEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, here's another little update on my garden. Unfortunately, my pak choi has been nibbled quite badly :( I hope to be able to harvest at…mein-senf-dazu in HiveGarden • 7 months agoFirst kohlrabi harvest - erste Kohlrabi ErnteEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, yesterday I harvested the first kohlrabi. To be honest, until recently I didn't realize that kohlrabi grows completely above the…mein-senf-dazu in HiveGarden • 7 months agoHarvest time - ErntezeitEN (DE unten) Hello dear community, I now have so many tomatoes that I can pick, they are simply delicious. My bullhorn peppers are also growing nicely, they just need to…mein-senf-dazu in LeoFinance • last yearThe first seedlings - Die ersten Pflänzchen EN (DE unten) Hello dear Communuty, the first seedlings are now visible! I am always amazed. One day you don't see anything and then all of a sudden there are pasr…