Wishing all my Indian friends a very Happy Diwali and wish that everyone's life is filled with Love, Joy and Peace with Good Health.
This was few days back when I was in Mumbai. Diwali preparations in my city had already started a month back. Just like Christmas where days in advance the Christmas decorations are done, same is for Diwali in India. It is the biggest festival of the year and celebrated by almost every Indian irrespective of their culture and also celebrated in almost every state of India. It's the festival of lights and during this time Mumbai city is completely lit up.
Diwali is the festival where it is celebrated with fire-crackers and hence it is called the festival of light. But in the past few years people have become mindful about the way of celebrations and the use of fire-crackers is going down. As a kid I used to enjoy the fire-crackers but now I feel it is not the right way to celebrate. I do love to enjoy with a few of them, but only the ones which are not noisy and the ones which do not cause harm to any life around.
Coming back to the Diwali decorations, the Mall was very prettily decorated. The theme is also very unique. It's kind of a Chakra set-up, or like a chariot, though honestly I am not able to figure out what exactly it is, but it matches the festival theme for sure.
I cannot miss taking a picture of myself.
That's the backside.
These are the reels, they are used in the kite flying festival. In the local language they are called Charkhis, they are also used in cotton spinning in the traditional methods.

From here you have a better view.
These hanging lamps added a great show to the place.
The theme is around the cotton industry of India and the traditional methods of making cloth.
Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸
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