Shot By Me
I just finished listening now The Honest Bunch Podcast featuring Helen Paul, a popular Nigerian comdeian and now a Professor in The United States. it is one of the best best epsidoes of the The HonestBunch Podcast I have listened to in a long while. The conversations had in this 2hour 20minutes podcast was center around themes of inferiority complex, religion, purpose and a bunch of other things and I got value for the 3 hours I spent listening to the conversation
I grew up watching Helen Paul as a comedian and I never knew much about her life and struggles. During this podcast, she opened up about a lot of things that shocked. She spoke extensively about her personal and career life and all the the hurdles she had to criss to get to the point where she is today. I celebrate her life and achievements today.
I was filled with renewed hope listening to the epsiode. Hearing someone who made it out of a difficult situation is always a motivation boost for me. I am reminded that my background or situation isn't unique and I can achieve whatever I set my mind towards. It is only going to take time and work which I am willing to commit. I am grateful for how far I have come and all the hurdles I have passed to get to this point in life. I still believe there is still much to accomplish.
One of the things I loved about this interview was how much Helen attributed her success to God. It is refreshing seeing people talk freely about their faith and how it has impacted their lives positively. I could tell by tell by her narration that she had divine favour or what many might consider to be luck. Also, she had the right people in her life at the right time and things planned out well for her. I can relate to this because I have had similar experiences.
I don't know if one can be lucky on so many occasions, finding their way out of seemingly difficult situations but that has been my life. I have gotten myself into situations I never thought I would overcome but somehow I do. Also, in times of trouble, random people come to my aid. So this is why Helen's story resonates with me.
One of the other things I picked up from this podcast was the idea of how we value ourselves and our experiences over other people's perceptions of us. The guest explained how fruitless it is trying to make people see your value. The right people will come your way at the right time and when they do those who doubted you or couldn't see value in you will but then it will be too late. The goal is to believe in yourself, always push the envelope and be the possible best you can be in every situation.
Helen also spoke about dealing with inferioeiry complex. Being a child born from the result of rape, she did not have a good start to life and almost everything around her made her feel unworthy. It takes a lot to xome out of such a situation but ahe fought long and hard. Today is best with a wonderful husannd, beautiful kids and a successful carreeer. She has surpassed all hee expections and shut the mouths of doubters. Siccess indeed is the best revenge.
In conclusion, this is an interesting and educative espidode of The HonestBunch Podcast, I willl recommend for every member if the HiveNaija community to listen to today. When you do listen, kindly revisit this post and share your thoughts of this espisode. Thank you