PostsCommentspoterritory in #judiasm • 3 days agoMaybe Somebody Will Eat The Stale Leftover Hamantaschen *Tomorrow*by Shifra Rubin Jerusalem, March 25 - Less than four weeks till Passover. We really need to get a move on, getting rid of all the grain products. I've alrepoterritory in #judaism • 3 months agoMan Insists On Using Only Potatoes In Latkes, 'Like The Maccabees Made Them'"Latke" originates in a Slavic term, derived ultimately from Greek word for oil - which, in turn, stems from the Greek for "olive." Jerusalem, December 30 -poterritory in #politics • 4 months agoDefense Ministry Could Save 2 Billion Per Year By Not Ordering Donuts From RoladinWatchdog groups thinking that the entire national budget could shrink by up to 17 billion shekels per year. Tel Aviv, November 24 - An audit of spiralingpoterritory in #health • 9 months agoNew Diet Exploits 'Pics Or It Didn't Happen' MethodObesity in western countries took off around the same time as everyone posting photos of their food on social media. Jerusalem, July 7 - Aspiring weight-lopoterritory in #religion • 9 months agoFatwa: No, Pepsi Is NOT OKA new bottle design features blue and white, identified with Zionism. Beirut, July 3 - Islamic scholars weighed in on a continuing soft-drink controversy todpoterritory in #passover • 11 months agoReport: Leftover Donut From Hanukkah Probably Still Edible**"All the sugar should keep it from spoiling." ** Jerusalem, April 18 - Pre-Passover cleaning in the Mizrahi household has led to the discovery of a deep-friepoterritory in #religion • last yearChazan At Shul With Best Kiddush In Town Thinks People Come To Hear Him Sing"Ten times the number most of the other shuls in the area get." Jerusalem, January 9 - A man who leads Sabbath daytime services with some frequency at a lo