PostsCommentsstavinalong in #hive-193084 • 10 months agoBrown mushrooms in my garden![4HFqJv9qRjVecs4xkhd5EvhidWEEBnn9tCVDBkBhQpUFvab78MhbU1VsrAv88Za7K3eXv9YjZm87SHEQhtMo6Nih3Pp2Q7xGdpzZwPGHgkavzn2sLvzF9yQ8NPFCsNWkCEymdKVSQYHYLLTZZH1Lcao9MaUvbadzCYE.jpeg](stavinalong in #hive-173575 • 10 months agothe charm of the beauty of rice fields in the morningRice fields are a paradise for village people and I really see the coolness and beauty shown by the rice fields in the morning. It takes a morning for me to be in the middle of the ristavinalong in #hive-173575 • 10 months agoStages of planting rice in rice fields until completionWhen we look at planted rice fields, of course we will see rows of rice plants that are straight and parallel. So planting rice uses the tandur technique. So, why do you have to stestavinalong in #hive-155530 • 10 months agoThis is one of the culinary delights that is popular this Wednesdayone of the food substitutes for rice that we often eat is Culinary Noodles which is a typical soupy food. This can be a substitute for rice because or if it is included in solid foodstavinalong in #hive-193084 • 10 months agomodern drink milk egg teaone of the latest modern drinks is egg milk tea. This is a stamina enhancing drink, so from now on this drink is so popular with the people in our area that they are willing to give lstavinalong in #hive-193084 • 10 months agobeautiful girl selling fried chicken riceGrilled chicken rice is a culinary food that is no less than other foods. This food is always sought after by fans because we know that this food has certain characteristics, namely cstavinalong in #hive-155530 • 10 months agoSee the development of papaya fruit this WednesdayCalifornia papaya itself is a superior type of papaya with a fast maturity. Because it is an early maturing type, the California papaya can be harvested in a short time, namely it castavinalong in #hive-193084 • 11 months agoMilk coffee drink in the morningenjoying a cup of coffee and milk in the morning is one of the good things before we start work, first we enjoy a cup of drink because this is one way for us to increase stamina and tstavinalong in #hive-117778 • 11 months agosweet honey papaya dish in a plate-- Wow, honey papaya is one of the most popular fruits among people because this fruit contains high nutrients and this papaya fruit also contains vitamin C, making it easier for us wstavinalong in #hive-193084 • 11 months agocalculate today's profitSelling is one of my jobs all this time and I have been doing it for a very long time so I have always been someone who sells every day in the afternoon, healthy, always calculating p