In a couple days, Conflicts start on Splinterlands. These are the new mechanism for getting access to bonus cards. Previously, they were dropped based on the number of packs bought, but this new mechanism essentially means that an account has to not only buy, but also hold what they have bought, if they want to have a chance at earning extra cards.
This post is me working out what I am going to do.
I bought 2306 packs Rebellion packs, which was about 1000 packs short of being able to max a deck. However, it did leave me with some extras. These I am going to put into wagons. This is a total of 466 cards, 101 wagons.
Rarity | Count | CP |
Gold Foil Legendary | 9 | 112,500 |
Gold Foil Epic | 15 | 37,500 |
Gold Foil Rare | 139 | 69,500 |
Gold Foil Common | 303 | 37,875 |
Legendary singles | 42 | 21,000 |
Total | 278,375 |
101 wagons = 5050 vouchers. I bought vouchers a couple months ago, based on the suggestion of @azircon. I didn't know how many I would need, so I just bought a stack of them, plus I earn some each day from license and staking rewards.
But, then, I was just reading something I had forgotten.
Cards actively participating in a Conflict are available for play in brawls, tournaments, and ranked play.
Cool. This means that I can use my Rebellion playing cards also. So now, I have 645 cards to put into wagons, and a total of 537,880 CP to stake into wagons. This changes how many wagons I need of course, which means I will have to spend more vouchers. Lucky I bought enough, though I don't need as many as I have bought. The playing cards only mean I need another 28 wagons, as they hold 5 cards each. This gives a total of 129 wagons to carry all my Rebellion holdings.
No. Mage Wagons are usable throughout the entire series of Conflicts.
I just asked in a chat - then read this.
There are three components of a Mage Wagon:
Contribution Rank - A visual indicator of this wagon's overall "power". Slot higher quality cards to reach greater ranks!
Contribution Total - The total Contribution value of all cards slotted in this wagon.
Card Slot - Each card's Contribution value is based on the number of copies combined, Rarity, and Foil type of the card. Combine your cards to optimize wagon performance!
I can't find anything on contribution ranks - anyone know what it means?
So, the calculation for contribution and chances at cards is:
(CP x hours left in the Conflict)/100,000 = Chances
Let's assume a 30 day Conflict and I am in at hour one, so that is 720 hours staked.
537,880 x 720/100,000 = 3,872 chances.
For every 200 chances, 1 card is guaranteed.
That means that if that scenario is as is, I would be "guaranteed" 19 cards, plus whatever my chances get. I have no idea what 3,872 chances can expect to get out of this.
Any ideas?
So, that is as far as I have got so far with Conflicts, but I think that it is looking about right. I have my Vouchers ready, I am not renting Rebellion, (other than a couple) and I guess, all I have to do is wait until the 23rd and hope I don't
Fall off the wagon.
I think that this is an interesting mechanism for card distribution, but I am not sure if it is worth all the hassle yet. I guess that time will tell, but I am interested in seeing how it goes and whether people like the idea or not.
Splinter thoughts?
[ Gen1: Hive ]