Patterns become habits and I love my weekly #ThoughtfulDailyPost habit! @Wesphilbin waves the flag for us and runs @thoughtfulpost as the curation account that rewards thoughtful posts. Please join us in sharing your positive vibes on the blockchain and consider delegating.
Here are a few few bits of internet wisdom that caught my eye and qualified for discussion with a fantastic legion of followers, engagers and weirdos connected through the #hive blockchain. Now with added music!

Separate Mistakes from Hate

Kyle Creek has over 100,000 followers on Twitter, yet his linktree profile has no personal website, brand, or #web3 ownership so it looks as though he is just getting started owning his content. Let us invite him to create his free #hive account and leverage the blockchain while we consider his sage words.
"If we replaced cancel culture with critical thinking" was like five across the eyes when I thought about how profound a change that would be right about now. All this classifying & choosing sides & echo chamber victim battles seems like stupid games with stupid prizes to me but there is something to be learned by a world of people looking to battle for the underdog. Canceling the perpetrator does seem like the correct course of action but I feel even that pendulum can swing too far. Sympathy for those suffering something you haven't or empathy for someone suffering something you have and control over emotions sounds so refreshing right now.
Talking. Communicating. Connecting as beings in a universe right now as the only transactions that truly matter surely would be large steps in the right direction. I have been thinking so much about how we...I should be easier on people making honest mistakes. It takes a certain level of emotional maturity and discipline to remove the venom of our impulses from the messages we put out. So, let us try talking, sharing mistakes and removing the hate from the learning process which is largely inspired by contemplating failure, together.
After reading this one, all I can hear in my head it Trade the Cash for the Beef for the Body for the Hate in the style of Beck.

One World

Alice Malsenior Tallulah-Kate Walker was born in 1944 and is an American novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist. Proud to mention she is a beautiful black lady because I am not blind to colour, I celebrate it. Besides that, how bad a bitch you gotta be to be born in Georgia in 1944, roll right through to valedictorian, and write [The Color Purple]?(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Color_Purple)
Before discovering the author, I read this more from the perspective of people struggling or suffering right now. Funny to think how that changes when you remove your filters and try and see it from the perspective of a person who has challenges you have to imagine.
It seems this struck me as pertinent to how things are now while imagining others in different eras who would identify with this sentiment as intimately. Whatever is happening to someone else, is actually happening to us, as a collective. Definitely changes how much thought you put into it when it switches from them to us. Hidden cruelty and remote screams of pain must be something we feel as heavily even if it is once or twice removed.
Not for the purpose of blame, but to harness the terror of others as fuel to drive us to solve problems not directly suffered. We live in one world. How much does that change what you will and will not do?
Missing John Lennon (and George Harrison for that matter) but imagine a new tune this year after decades apart.

Nothing like getting thoughtful as it is not the mistakes that lead to wisdom, it is contemplating those mistakes. If being thoughtful is up your alley, you have the option to delegate to @thoughfulposts to increase the rewards for positivity.
https://hive.blog/introduceyourself/@thoughtfulposts/thoughtfulposts-introduction-or-a-thoughtfuldailypost is the post that started it all over 3 years ago!
I invite you to pen your own #thoughtfuldailypost any day of the week and share your insight on the world through your blog.

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