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in #alive9 months ago

For a while, I've had this blog about pectus excavatum that I haven't done anything with in years. It was just an informative blog about pectus excavatum and related health concerns. It was one of the earliest niche blogs I've run. It's been around for about 10 years, and it continues to get residual hits.

It's not a blog that generates a large income. I earn more posting on Hive than I do running the blog through Blogger, but I've considered returning to the blog. I recently wrote an article about pectus excavatum in females, that has ignited some enthusiasm. It's likely, for the sake of growth, I will come back and make some changes. I'll write a few articles this year to see what happens.

I've also been expanding my writing for The Free Voluntarist, my Florida news blog that covers space, technology, politics, and gaming. It's all just an effort to revitalize these blogs.

We'll see what comes our way.

Follow my gaming channel LuchiCholito on Rumble!


Vi tu blog sobre noticias, esta interesante, creo que es una buena idea que continúes y le des más impacto usando las redes sociales de la web2.

También sería bueno tener un dominio propio.

Si, creo que voy a comprar una este ano o en el siguente. Ahora voy a dejarlo asi mientra tanto. Necesito mas gente que me sigue en los redes sociales :D

¡Lo conseguirás! :)

Learn more about pectus excavatum in dogs.