Last night my wife and I attended the county convention to select a new executive board for the County party. I'll spare all the politics of the evening.
Dinner with my Wife (and baby)
The highlight of the evening for both of us, is going out for diner before the convention! It's a rare opportunity for us to get out and enjoy a meal at a restaurant, just the (almost) two of us!
We enjoyed bar food, but it was really good bar food. A small Blue Moon Belgian wheat ale, a fried chicken wrap and a generous portion of french fries. Not the most photogenic meals, but I have to blog about food to keep up the trend! It really was delicious.
Finally Met Ron Robinson!
After our diner, we got to the convention early just as the doors were opening. This was good because parking was difficult if showing up late.
Another highlight of the evening is finally meeting the man whom I have been door-knocking for all this time. I shook his hand and told him it was a pleasure campaigning for him. Turns out he also knocked a lot of doors, almost 12 thousand! I knew this because I would sometimes see his door hanger saying "sorry I missed you."
A Long Convention
It was a late night before we got home. We left at 5 and got back around 11 pm. We've had later conventions, but this was still a very long meeting. It was supposed to begin at 7, delayed to almost 8 and should have been over in an hour or so. Instead it dragged on getting later and later and later.
So these conventions seem to go. Giving the outcome of this convention, I predict meetings like these will become a lot more efficient (for better or worse) and not go extremely late anymore.
This is good at least!

Bless the Most High!
Teach Your Children Liberty from Sin
We encourage parents to teach their children principles of Godliness, beginning with the Word and an understanding who God is and what His Son has done to form a relationship with us.
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