363 straight weeks of enjoying beer? We either have a problem or have drank them all away by now!
Being The Blockchain Beerologist definitely has its perks, including but not limited to getting paid to tour breweries and sample new beers! When I am not globetrotting or brewing my own beer, my fridge looks like a colorful mosaic of regional craft beer I enjoy sharing with the #beersaturday alliance of #beer bloggers on #hive.
This week, I am leaning into some Father's Day beer indulgence.

Pint 'O the Week!
The PotW is a fan favourite because it is usually a beer enjoyed on the town in a social or business setting that we don't get to visit all the time. This week, it is a double shot of #shoplocal with our local brewery Black Swan Brewing enjoyed at one of the premier craft beer destinations in town Revival House enjoyed while on the clock shooting social media pictures with local digital marketing powerhouse Town Crier Marketing
All of those backlinks from #Hive add up when it comes to small business SEO and it is the least I can do when I get to enjoy a nice hazy local IPA in one of the fanciest places in town!

A Special Brewery visit
What better way to celebrate part of Father's Day weekend than to visit probably my favourite brewery in the region Great Lakes Brewing I took a trip to the big city to catch an MMA fight a training partner was involved in and ended up having a pretty big night at the music studio singing songs with the guys. More on that perhaps in a post this week but I remembered to visit the bottle shop!
I love visiting this bottle shop the most as it always has some great art and there are the freshest IPAs in the fridge. Besides that, there are very limited run beers that just don't make it out of the brewery or way down the road to stores in my town. The one in the upper right is among my favourite brands there and one that I was able to snag today!
Double Octo is the one I will highlight in this edition as it was still in the shop, with a slightly modified label design. As if 8 battling hops in the original recipe wasn't over the top, this bold heavyweight is even more so in the form of a Double IPA. This is how I want to end off my Father's Day! I will save the brand new Vrooom and Karmadelic perhaps for edition 364 of #beersaturday.

A Double of our Own!
I have become quite enthralled with leaning into the #beerologist discipline of brewing our own beer. We started with an IPA which didn't last very long. Then, we brewed another with similar hops, but the grain bill mysteriously turned it into more of a session IPA. With only ~4.8% ABV, but all the hops of a full strength IPA, it was one of the hoppiest and most delicious sessions I have ever had. This one didn't last long either.
This is the witch's cauldron of Hops that was the beginning of the current super dank and strong IPA. There is something special about brewing right from the grain we crush ourselves and having control over all of the ingredients. Even better than that is seeing the ridiculous amount of hops it takes to make an IPA I like and how it goes nuts in the boil stage of the brew. You should see the colour of the driveway when we rinse brewer out after we transfer to the fermenter!
Mosaic and Citra in this one and enough El Dorado to give you a super dry finish enough to remind you to take another sip minutes later with the lingering hops.
Here is the brew crew including the master and cleaning department as brewing is thirsty social work and best done with friends. We currently have a Golden Ale in the big fermenter for next week and will be toying around with a Tropical Hazy IPA next. If I am going to share our beers often, we will have to come up with some branding in the form of namesake and art work huh? What should we name it? Blockchain Brewery?


It is TRUE! Happy Father's Day!
Join me, @detlev , and the other beerologists because there is always room for more beer bloggers at this week's Beer Saturday gathering... https://hive.blog/hive-187719/@detlev/beersaturday-362
This week for #BeerSaturday, I am inviting @lisfabian from Venezuela and has recently introduced us to Polar beer! Take a few pictures, tag #beersaturday and raise a glass with us on Hive!
Cheers to our global family of beer-drinkers!!