When your chef friends invite you over for dinner you don't say no. You pick up a bottle of wine and head over as quickly as possible, and that's exactly what @pamarias and I did last night.
We walked over to our favorite wine shop down the street, La Petrona, who happen to accept Bitcoin payments over Lightning, so of course I used my Keychain + v4v to pay for wine: https://hivehub.dev/tx/db45259844651515d8c2b6812fed1e5b88fa5709
We picked up a bottle of Viña Zorzal, which is a young wine made 100% of garnacha grape. A delicious unoaked garnacha that we've come to love and can never go wrong with. It's produced in four different villages in Navarra, Spain: Corella, Cintrúenigo, Fitero and Lerga
Pete's apartment is a block down the street. We got him to buzz us up and gave us a selection of LPs from his collection. We went with some Hector Lavoe, dropped the needle, put it in background music mode and sat at the bar.
Watching a chef do his thing is an amazing spectator sport. I don't not getting my hands dirty because I get to sit, listen to awesome music, have a great conversation and take in the atmosphere.
While all that happened, Pete started pouring some cauliflower puree on these beautiful hand-made plates from a shop called Contorno
He had a surprise in the oven that smelled amazing! We didn't know what it was until he served it: pork belly with fish sauce. If you're into sweet and salty food, you'd absolutely love this.
Garnished those babies with some sesame seeds
and served with a side of roasted brussel sprouts as well as will rice with lentils.
Am I lucky or what?
I hope you all have an amazing weekend! Be productive if that's what you have planned, if not, relax and enjoy life in the company of friends and family.
Whatever you do, come share some of your weekend with your HIVE friens and let's fill up those blocks!
Stay awesome friends!