Growing Demand for Ad Bans on Ultra-processed foods

in #food9 months ago

It is alleged that ultra-processed foods make up over 70% of the food supply around the United States and as more learn about the ingredients in those items it has fueled a movement in many calling for a ban on ads or those products altogether.

Though the topic is still up for debate you can find many who over the years have warned that it isn't a good idea to eat a diet that consumes plenty of highly processed foods. But when you go to the grocery store this is the majority of what you might see, especially if you live in an area where a corner store is the closest place for you to grab food items.

When you get highly processed food items there are many ingredients you might not be wanting or be aware of that are included in the food item itself. Not many are going to take the time to cook everything from scratch and today for billions of people many of the foods they are consuming are highly processed food items. Now, there is a growing awareness though and more collectives drawing attention to the concerns around eating plenty of highly processed food items that have dozens of different ingredients, and some of those ingredients questionable and unfamiliar.



About time they did something about that. I always made most of the food in this household from the bottom. Buy some sausage and such, but bake my own bread and cook my own food. I am not like the uncle of my wife who in hos own word only - "eat what I have grown myself or killed myself :)"
