A heavy lunch set

in #foodlast year

I posted this photo of my lunch yesterday in a group chat with my family and they were surprised to see how much carbo-riched food that I’m eating, lol.


I didn’t realized it until they pointed it out to me. I had a lot physical activities yesterday that I subconsciously order more food that I may not be able to finish. Thinking about it now, I feel like I over spent beyond my lunch budget too.

For this lunch, I’m having Minced Meat noodles. It has a variety of toppings that makes this dish more enjoyable to eat. There’s a variety of texture and taste as well.


For my dessert, I ordered a toasted slice of bread with butter & sweet Kaya filling!


It’s a nice set for lunch if you enjoy a calorie-rich diet. I may do it again in the near future 😅
