Have you ever eating stingray?

in #food4 months ago



You know who is the most wild creature in the nature?, yeah you know, are you, the most dangerous creature in the nature are we, the humans, we have been destroying forever and predators in the nature.


But it is normal because we need to catch all kind of animals for food, here an example, stingrays, usually in the past this animal were considers an ugly animals, and very dangerous because their tail, could kill you in a second, this animals pacific and quiet kill the famous artist call Steve Irvin's.


But returning to our history, this animal has a little quantity of meat, and it is family of the fishes, and it is an amphibian animal, and the fisherman's usually catch it by accident but when they catch they used their bodies for getting a little of fish meat, for feed their families.


Have you ever try to eat this kind of animals, well in my case i am not sure, because when we were buy food in the street sometimes you only gets the piece or slice of food, and you never seen the animal completely and you never know what kind of fish are you eating.



Well this is another kind of food, enjoy it when you have the opportunity to do it.
Thanks a lot for coming, photos are my.
English mistakes too.


So have you tried to eat it? It's edible?

Yeah here in El Salvador it is edible, and the meat is same that the fish meat, I really do not buy directly but as ai said, I bought food cooked meat od fish like piece and you do not what kind of fish you have been eaten.
People said it is good, and soft meat.

I would try it for sure, along with the mystery fish at the market hehehe

By the way welcome back.

Thanks so much, it's good to see you too!

Man, looking at this animal doesn't motivate me to eat it, well, you know I'm a bit psycho-rigid, it looks of ugly like you say hahaha.
A hug

You should try to eat my friend.

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