A veces uno va a lugares a visitar, un museo o pasar la tarde en una plaza, encontrarse con alquien en una esquina que no conocias, o cualquier otra actividad en donde te estes acercando por primera vez a ese espacio fisico y hay algo que llama particularmente tu atencion, sea por la energia, algo especifico que esta presente como un objeto o todo.
Ayer en el dia queria salir un rato y me agarro hambre me habian contado que en el Barrio de Caballito abrieron un espacio muy grande en donde uno se puede sentar a comer ahi. Me acerque hasta ahi, poro suerte cerca de casa y como era mediodia no estaba tan concurrido. El espacio era un galpon que esta al costado de las viass del tren cerca de la estacion caballito de alguna de las lineas de tren. Era un espacio que estaba abandonado no se usaba para nada y tiene entrada y salida por la calle y por una muy conccurrida, Donado. Asi es que ese espacio el estado lo sedio para hacer un espacio gastronomico y eso que estaba ahi juntado polvo genere un ingreso para la ciudad. Lo licitaron y lo trasnfformaron en este lugar genial que tiene mucha onda ademas tiene muchass ofertas gastronomicas.
Este lugar cuando entre lo primero que me genero fue alegria. No se si fueron lo colorido del lugar, si era que habia mucha vida, plantas, gente, pero esa fiue la primer sensacion que tuve, alegria. Cuando me anime a pasar despues de esa primer sensacion recorri el lugar para verlo de lado a lado porque realmente es grande. Al menos habia 10 lugares para comer con diferentes tipos de propuestas. Hamburguesas, panchos, nachos, tacos, asado en sanguches, ceviches, pizzas, muchas propuestas veggies.
El lugar era muy divertido en sus decoraciones y transmitia buena onda. No vi una sola persona con cara de enojo o disconformidad que eso no suele pasar tanto en los tiempos que correr por nuestro pais. Y eso realmente fue algo que me llamo la atencion muchas familias comiendo. Despues de dar una vuelta elegi un banco para sentarme y me pedi una copa de vino para tomar mientras seguia mirando y pensaba que iba a comer. Cuando me sente oude ver mas cosas con claridad. Una de ellas era que los locales eran realmente muy identificables y personalizados. Osea realmente tenian mucha onda. Uno de ellos tenia un auto saliendo de la pared.
Esta foto me salio fuer a de foto pero la comparto porque queria que vean el auto saliendo de la pared
Y todo el lugar estaba muy bien personalizado, osea realmente la visual de los locales era muy llamativa y note que le pusieron mucho interes. Pregunte si tenian show o algo porque relamente el lugar parecia preparado para eso, pero no es algo habitual. Si me dijeron que ocasionalmente lo han hecho pero no es comun. Lo que si me dijeron es que se juntan muchas personas de forma individual o de a grupos y como es un lugar en donde por las noches ademas de juntarse a comer la gente tambien va a tomar cervezas o tragos entonces se arma un after y los locales ponen algo de musica y la gente se queda ahi algunos le dan ganas y bailan y se transforma en una atmosfera nueva.
Hubo un espacio que particularmente llamo mi atencion y fue uno que tenia un gauchito Gil, en lo alto de su local, por arriba de el cartel con lo que ofrecian para comer. Tenia incluso ofredas como las ofrendas que le suele dejar la gente devota del gauchito, que es uno muy venerado por muchas personas en todo el pais. Y al lado de este espacio uno al cual quiero volver porque me quede con ganas de pedir y no pude, y fue el que esta a su lado. este era uno especializado en comidas a base de pesacado y mariscos. y tambien tenia una propuesta muy graciosa y con la que muchos hacian gracia y se sacaban fotos, una sirena!
Asi es que les recomiendo ir a este lugar si estan de visita por Argentina o si vivis aca y no lo conocias, Patio De Los Lecheros, asi se llama y lo van a encontrar en cualquier mapa dentro de su telefono. esta pegado a las vias del tren, en el barrio de Caballito.
Nos vemos la proxima!
English Version
Sometimes you go to places to visit, a museum or spend the afternoon in a square, meet someone in a corner you did not know, or any other activity where you are approaching for the first time to that physical space and there is something that particularly catches your attention, either by energy, something specific that is present as an object or everything.
Yesterday I wanted to go out for a while and I got hungry. I was told that in the neighborhood of Caballito they opened a very large space where you can sit and eat there. I went there, luckily it was close to my house and since it was noon it was not so crowded. The space was a shed that is next to the train tracks near the Caballito station of one of the train lines. It was a space that was abandoned, it was not used for anything and it has an entrance and exit through the street and a very busy street, Donado. So the state gave that space to the state to make a gastronomic space and that which was gathering dust generated an income for the city. They put it out to tender and transformed it into this great place that is very cool and has a lot of gastronomic offers.
When I entered this place, the first thing that made me happy was the colorfulness of the place. I don't know if it was the colorfulness of the place, if it was that there was a lot of life, plants, people, but that was the first feeling I had, joy. When I dared to go in after that first sensation I walked around the place to see it from side to side because it is really big. There were at least 10 places to eat with different types of proposals. Burgers, burgers, hot dogs, nachos, tacos, asado in sandwiches, ceviches, pizzas, many veggie proposals.
The place was very fun in its decorations and transmitted a good vibe. I didn't see a single person with an angry or dissatisfied face, which doesn't happen so often in these times in our country. And that was something that really caught my attention, a lot of families eating. After walking around I chose a bench to sit on and ordered a glass of wine to drink while I continued to look around and thought about what I was going to eat. When I sat down I could see more things clearly. One of them was that the places were really very identifiable and personalized. I mean they really had a lot of vibe. One of them had a car sticking out of the wall.
I took this picture out of photo but I share it because I wanted you to see the car coming out of the wall.
And the whole place was very well personalized, I mean really the visual of the premises was very striking and I noticed that they put a lot of interest. I asked if they had a show or something because the place really seemed prepared for that, but it's not a regular thing. I was told that occasionally they have done it but it is not common. What they did tell me is that many people get together individually or in groups and since it is a place where at night, in addition to eating, people also go to have beers or drinks, then an after party is set up and the locals play some music and people stay there, some feel like it and dance and it becomes a new atmosphere.
There was one place that particularly caught my attention and it was one that had a gauchito Gil, at the top of the place, above the sign with what they offered to eat. It even had offerings like the offerings that are usually left by people devoted to the gauchito, who is very venerated by many people all over the country. And next to this place, there was one that I want to go back to because I wanted to order and I couldn't, and it was the one next to it. This was one specialized in fish and seafood based meals, and it also had a very funny proposal that many people made fun of and took pictures with, a mermaid!
So I recommend you to go to this place if you are visiting Argentina or if you live here and you didn't know it, Patio De Los Lecheros, that's its name and you will find it in any map in your phone, it is next to the train tracks, in Caballito neighborhood.
See you next time!