I have to admit, this post is a two-pronged affair.
First up I want to share with you a Vegetarian Wrap that will fulfil the fattest belly. A wrap that will bust your eardrums (if you eat it too fast), fuel you up for a driveby like the ones we do in my hood past Bargain Booze to pick up an 8-pack of Heineken, a wrap that hits your taste buds like a nine to the back of your head... OK maybe I'm going a bit too far.
I perhaps have partaken of too much of the good green stuff and whopped back one too many of these wraps, I've only had four of them but I think this might mean all that health-shit has gone out of the window.
Apart from all my Hip hop ranting nonsense I also wanted to share my favourite ever Biggie Smalls tune.
It is fckn hilarious, I don't know where Bigggie stumbled upon the sample from the 1980s UK children's show Thomas the Tank Engine, but this x-rated rap video is made 100% times better with the addition of one of my childhood staples underpinning the gangster lyrics.
I didn't mark the post as NSFW because it's really just me sharing some food photography, a basic recipe and some daft hip-hop talk. Because yeah, whatever might think of us, UK boys were big into our gangster rap back in the 1090s 😂
But I reckon Biggie would have dug my wrap to be honest, maybe with a bit of fried chicken added but ya know, each to their own. I'm not one of those holier-than-thou veggies.
Basic recipe:
- Half an avocado chopped into slices
- A large handful full of salad leaves
- Three slices of Gouda Cheese sliced thin
- Red onion chutney and plenty of it
That's it! Wrap that sht up and scoff it down.
Or if you're feeling culinary like I was arranging them into a Quintet of Half wraps (as in picture one) for aesthetic styling... but I've got to warn you, you might lose street cred doing it this way.
If you want to stay true to the Hip Hop gangster vibe just pile that stuff on and wrap them up and get your feed on.
Whatever, in the words of Biggie in his song Juicy...
"It's all good, and if you don't know, now you know."
Thanks for reading 🌿
All photos and media design used in this post are my own.
Camera: Samsung S7 Smart Phone.
I would like to give a big shout-out to @stickupcurator (and @stickupboys) for their amazing contribution to supporting music, art, imaginative writing, and all things creative on hive. If you haven't already, you should go check out their account for music, crypto podcasts and much much more 🙂👍
If you have enjoyed this post you can check out my other work on my homepage @raj808.