Have you ever wandered to a place that everyone else usually visits? Hello, hives! Let me share my day of visiting new places with my fellow classmates.
My friends didn't know where to eat for lunch, suddenly Benzong appeared behind us asking if he could join us for lunch— and gladly, of course, he could! Kiddingly, he said, "Let's eat at Pantalan," and I was curious about what was so special about there since most of the students visit there.
I wanna explore new places to places alone either with friends! This is one of the most recent happenings in my life with my friends and I won't lie I had a great time though it was kind of tiring a bit after all those walkin we did.
For the very first time— I was so excited— there were a lot of people around, and you felt the strong breeze touching your skin and smelled the ocean as you breathed in; it wasn't as special as the tourist spots, but the feeling it conveys will grant you peace of mind. It is a place where you can spend time with yourself or with your friends, maybe family or loved ones.
Eating to new places with my friends are full of joy, especially with riza and @iamlovelykate because this two just never stops arguing and laughing.
Although we didn't go to Pantalan just to hang out, We have to do a campaign for mental health awareness, since October is "Mental Health Month" We interviewed around 12 people younger or older just to spread awareness of their mental health and how important it is to keep it healthy.
These are the pictures I've took when we're looking for a place to eat- those blue chairs. Then the rest are when we are at the pantalan for our campaign.
After the campaign, we ate ice cream! My treat! We all deserve a treat for the effort we give to this campaign— especially Benzong since he was the one who took our documentation. We are still editing the documentation, and it will be posted on our social media; I'll be posting the link to our documentation when it is edited.
I wouldn't dare to judge the taste of the ice cream but it's appreciable enough to eat, and with them, It's always better
It is fun to communicate with other people about mental health awareness, It is fun to be engaged in this kind of campaign. This is all for now.
I bet there are a lot of grammatical errors in the context for I don't even understand what to write there as long as I have written something originally.
Thank you for taking your time reading my blog, I really appreciated it a lot and it's good to know that someone out there appreciates my story. I know that my composed blogs aren't well written but I will try my best by every post to have it improved. Thank you once again. Your writer for the day,