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RE: Weird Apple

in #garden7 months ago

I've seen some plants and mushrooms connected like that but apples never before. WoW! They look really of good quality. What else do you make out of apples?


this variety is a 'baking apple'... Only for apple sauce or pies

OK, it looks very tasty! Did you try to dry it?

No, I have not tried drying it.

Well, maybe it could work. My ex girlfriend was drying many apples in South of Austria...

Maybe one day. When I finish the clay oven. Using electricity to dry apples seems wasteful.

We had solar power & a very efficient food drier

A dream would be to ferment the apple (from all over the garden) into clear, sweet, fizzy, hard apple cider.
...It's quite the process and I don't have the facilities to do it hygenically sound enough...

I don't drink alcohol so I would prefer vinegar or food. You can also make brandy...

The alcohol content would be very low.
You'd have to drink liters to get drunk.

Anyways, I respect that; I rarely drink myself.

The low alcohol content would be a result of a low percentage of sugar in apples or?