@der-prophet announced a Hive pumpkin challenge.
The announcemnt is a bit hard to read and I don't know what the exact requirements are, where to post, what tags to use...
I just tag him and hope for the best. 😇
My Entry
That's Hokkaido
I bought it at the market.
Normally, I grow from seed, but I wasn't going to, until @der-prophet made his announcement.
For unknown reasons, my supplier decided to throw 2-3 seeds into each pot.
I don't like it. It was impossible to seperate them.
Now I got 2 plants per spot.
I chose 2 blank spots in the garden, that were covered with stuff over winter.
The soil should be good, as there was plenty of organic stuff that rotted away.
I just dig a hole, put the plants in, cover with some compost, then water.
That's it.
I will not water them further.
If it doesn't rain, they will die.
I just don't have the time for it.
My chances for winning the challenge are slim.
Hokkaido doesn't grow large fruit.
Maybe I get the prize for the prettiest pumpkin, though.
earlier challenges
I still have the funds for the maize challenge 22 and the Kartoffelherausforderung sitting in my account.
I will eventually do the payouts...
I just haven't gotten around to it.