Hello everyone! As a good Venezuelan, I love plantains and I feel that green or ripe, cooked, fried or baked, it goes with absolutely everything, but this time I wanted to try a different version than the ones I usually make and I decided to make tostones in the air fryer, and I must say that they were very crispy and tasty, plus I love it because they are a way to eat tostones in a healthier way, so of course I had to come to share the recipe with you.
Preparación // Preparation
Para empezar vamos a pelar nuestros plátanos y luego vamos a cortarlos en trozos de unos 2 cm aproximadamente. En mi caso tuve que sacarlos primero de la bolsa ya que en Polonia los venden así, luego lo corto por la mitad porque se me hace más fácil pelarlo de esta manera y seguidamente lo corte en trozos.
To start we are going to peel our bananas and then we are going to cut them into pieces of about 2 cm approximately. In my case I had to take them out of the bag first because in Poland they sell them like that, then I cut it in half because it is easier to peel it this way and then cut it into pieces.
Ahora vamos a poner los trozos en una taza y vamos a ponerles un poco de aceite de Oliva y los vamos a revolver para que todos se unten del aceite. Luego vamos a meter estos trozos a la freidora de aire una primera vez por 5 minutos a 200 grados. Los sacamos y procedemos a aplastarlos.
Now we are going to put the pieces in a bowl and we are going to put some olive oil on them and we are going to stir them so that all of them are covered with oil. Then we are going to put these pieces in the air fryer for the first time for 5 minutes at 200 degrees. We take them out and proceed to crush them.
Para aplastarlos yo usé la tabla y un plato pequeño, entonces puse unas gotas de agua en la tabla y en la parte del plato que uso para aplastar (esto es para que no se queden pegados los tostones) y procedí a hacer los tostones.
To flatten them I used the board and a small plate, then I put a few drops of water on the board and on the part of the plate that I use to flatten (this is so that the tostones don't stick) and proceeded to make the tostones.
Ahora los remojé en agua con un poco de sal (esto para que quede más suaves) y en seguida los metí de nuevo a la freidora de aire, poniéndoles un poco de aceite encima con una brocha. Esta vez se cocinan por 10 minutos a 200 grados, aunque a la mitad de este tiempo volteo los tostones y les aplico aceite a la otra parte.
Now I soaked them in water with a little salt (this to make them softer) and then I put them back in the air fryer, putting a little oil on them with a brush. This time they are cooked for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, although halfway through this time I turn the tostones over and apply oil to the other side.
Y listo, tenemos unos deliciosos, saludables, suaves y a la vez crocantes tostones que sin duda puedes acompañar con lo que desees. Mi esposo y yo decidimos hacer un chili y créanme que es un buen acompañante pero incluso con solo una salsa es suficiente porque estos tostones son realmente deliciosos. Déjame saber si tú ya habías intentado los tostones en la freidora de aire.
And that's it, we have delicious, healthy, soft and at the same time crunchy tostones that you can certainly accompany with whatever you want. My husband and I decided to make a chili and believe me it is a great side dish but even with just a sauce it is enough because these tostones are really delicious. Let me know if you have tried tostones in the air fryer before.
Imagen de portada hecha por mí en Canva // Cover image made by me in Canva
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