Hello my dear #foodielovers! I greet you wishing you all well in your lives and kitchens😎👩🍳. I love eating out and who doesn't? To be always tasting flavors, tastes, styles of other people apart from sharing, feeling cared for is something from another world! And it invites us to always come back or eliminate a place from our tastes forever (how passionate I am). Well, the fact is that since I cook (or they cook for me), transferring those flavors and experiences to my home, has not been difficult, because with technology, instagram tricks and our knowledge, I can make a burger at home without having to move to a place to wait for them to make it for me; and it is not that restaurants go bankrupt because I no longer use them, but that food and the moment of preparing it unites us, so I try to treasure moments for my J.J and me in intimacy.

He loves to cook and I love to eat, the perfect couple! That's why we are always emulating the dishes we see on the networks or that we simply like and that come out of the daily mold: rice, pasta, chicken, meat, and some garnish to go with it, which is what makes us bored and opens the door to eating out. Another advantage apart from its good seasoning, is that now we get the products more accessible in the bodegones or places we visit, something that was not seen before. For example, if we want to make a Chinese dish, we just look at the ingredients, go to the store, buy it and that's it! So, there are no excuses not to prepare a different dish and spoil ourselves😍. In this case, I'm not much of a salad person, but this is one of my favorites. I avoid it when I go to a restaurant because it fills me up, but if it provokes me I just order one and it's enough to feed me. Knowing this, we decided to prepare one in our own style, since it is very easy to make.

En el caso de los panes, yo los compré, pero la amiga @emily2021 en esta publicación Delicioso almuerzo explica como hacer los "croutons" y no morir en el intento de hacer esta rica ensalada.
Do you have lettuce at home? Do you have chicken? Then you have 50% of the salad ready 😊. This salad is super simple since you can adapt the ingredients; of course, it will never be like the original if you don't have the right ingredients, but it's similar 😉. In the case of the breads, I bought them, but friend @emily2021 in this post "delicious lunch salad caesar explains how to make the "croutons" and not die trying to make this rich salad.

Since there is no manual and it is not a restaurant where we will be fined for not making it strictly as it is, if you notice, Emily added ham, we added bacon; the idea is to enjoy the moment, the flavors, the combinations and the sharing by preparing something different from every day's routine.

It is a super economical dish, since we did not invest even $10 and if it was more money, the other ingredients are enough for other preparations; it is also practical because it is made very quickly; yielding, because with those ingredients we had enough for 6 dishes, I thought it was less but yes, it was enough for all of them. The only negative thing is that it runs out and you are left wanting more and the other thing is that after making it, any salad seems simple next to it😋.
¡Ah! y los ingredientes son:
🥗 Lechuga.
🥗 Pollo (cocido).
🥗 Croutons.
🥗 Salsa.
🥗 Queso.
🥗 Tocineta.
Todo eso se liga ¡y a comer!
Oh, and the ingredients are: 🥗 Lettuce. 🥗 Chicken (cooked). 🥗 Croutons. 🥗 Sauce. 🥗 Cheese. 🥗 Bacon.