Happy Sunday my friends of hive, today I bring you a delicious and refreshing dessert, it is a mango and pineapple jam, it is a very easy preparation does not require many ingredients, it is a super delicious dessert with an incomparable tropical flavor, which is perfect to accompany with cookies, bread or just alone, my friends I invite you to enjoy my recipe without saying more let's cook.


Preparación -Preparation
First step: take the 6 washed mangoes and put them to boil until soft, then cut the pineapple, blend and set aside.

Second step: Then in a pot I added the processed mango pulp and added the pineapple juice, followed by 1 cup of sugar.

Third step: I started blending without leaving the pot.

Fourth step: Finally I added vanilla to taste and mixed until boiling point, and let it cool in a bo

Deliciosa mermelada de mango y piña perfecta para untar. / 🍯🍍🍈 Delicious mango and pineapple jam perfect for spreading.

I say goodbye my friends leaving you this little recipe super refreshing and delicious that serves to spread with cookies or bread, it was a pleasure to share I hope you like it a lot so I'll see you another time.

Fotos tomadas desde teléfono Alcatel idol. / Photos taken from Alcatel idol phone.
Separadores y ediciones hechas en Canva. / Separators and editions made in Canva.